HTTPS4All: Port of HTTPS Everywhere to force (most) links to use HTTPS App Store 2020 swift ☆37 SimpleLogin: Protect your email with aliases and more. Its Share Extension helps you create aliases on the fly without leaving your favorite browser App St...
又又又种草了lord of light,被微博上那句“尼尔盖曼痛哭流涕推荐并梦想这本是他自己的写的”疯狂种草 赞(2)回应 睡玫瑰(是甜甜的少女)2021-01-14 23:16:17 读完了the elements of style 这本不算在我的list里。主要是这已经是第三遍了,写作课一遍,写毕业论文时一遍,再次写毕业论文又要再来一遍...这小...
Duo Duo is a collection of colour combinations that I’ve curated from personal projects or that I’ve come across on the web. Lospec Palette List The Lospec Palette List is a database of palettes for pixel art. Palettte App Build smooth color schemes that flow from one color to another....
Also ranks #18 on Musicians with the Best Onstage Banter Arcade Fire Indie rock, Art rock As masters of the indie rock genre, Arcade Fire has solidified their place among Montreal's greatest musical exports. Their debut album Funeral was nothing short of a sonic revelation, capturing listener...
The reason why she is called Powered is because of her hammer weapon since hammers are strong. Kaoru has been featured in two pieces in Bleedman Character Art, first in Z, together with Momoko Akatsutsumi and Miyako Gotokuji. She appears on the left of the picture, next to Momoko. ...
The 400-metre indoor ice ring features two Olympic-sized rinks for short-track speed skating, figure skating and hockey, as well as a three-lane, 465-metre a... Read More Community Art Gallery of Plum Blossom UAD The owner of the project is Zhuji Rongcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd. The...
legends like Count Basie, Benny Goodman, and Gene Krupa. His mastery of ballads and technical prowess won him the admiration of fellow musicians and fans alike. Green's lasting impact on the art of jazz trombone is still felt today, as his influence continues to inspire new generation...
CUDA - This is a fast C++/CUDA implementation of convolutional [DEEP LEARNING] DeepDetect - A machine learning API and server written in C++11. It makes state of the art machine learning easy to work with and integrate into existing applications. Distributed Machine learning Tool Kit (DMTK) -...
List of Important Books Released in 2023. January 2023 Authors Name Book Name British historian Simon Sebag Montefiore "The World: A Family History"
Seven Wonders of the World, preeminent architectural and sculptural achievements of the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East, as listed by various observers. The Pyramids of Giza are the only one of the Seven Wonders substantially in existence today.