+'.sys.tables t JOIN '+quotename(name) +'.sys.schemas s on s.schema_id = t.schema_id'fromsys.databaseswherestate=0orderby[name]forxmlpath(''),type).value('.','nvarchar(max)');set@sql=stuff(@sql,1,12,'') +' order by database_name, schema_name, table_name';execute(@sql)...
在PowerDesigner 反向工程DataBase SQl2005时出现:unable to list the tables 信息 此时应该设置sqlserver2005数据库的行为设置为指定Sql server版本兼容: 执行: EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel 'dbname', '90'; GO sp_dbcmptlevel (Transact-SQL):将某些数据库行为设置为与指定的 SQL Server 版本兼容 [ @dbname = ] name ...
Property Value StringCollection A StringCollection that lists the tables to transfer. Implements TablesList Attributes EditorAttribute Remarks The default value is an empty string collection. Applies to 產品版本 SQL Server .NET SDK2016, 2017, 2019...
select schema_name(tab.schema_id) as schema_name, tab.name as table_name, col.column_id, col.name as column_name, t.name as data_type, col.max_length, col.precision from sys.tables as tab inner join sys.columns as col on tab.object_id = col.object_id left join sys.types as t...
SqlDataAdapterda=newSqlDataAdapter("select * from Table_1 where age between 10 and 50",SqlCon);// 实例化数据集对象DataSetds=newDataSet();// 填充数据集中的指定表_=da.Fill(ds);DG_Data.ItemsSource=ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;// 读取到 ListViewLV_Data.ItemsSource=ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;SqlCon...
Unable to list the tables. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]未能准备语句。 SQLSTATE = 37000 解决方法: 1. 有可能是需要chenge current DBMS... 2.有可能需要将数据库的兼容级别更改为 90。SQL语句为: EXECsp_dbcmptlevel "dbName", "90";GO ...
When I click Next again, the compare appears to run but when complete it reports that zero tables or views were compared - under the circumstances this is as expected because the previous dialog did not allow me to check any tables to compare. Why am I not getting the arrow to expand th...
TablesList 属性 Gets or sets a StringCollection listing the tables to transfer whenCopyAllTablesis false. 程序集:Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferSqlServerObjectsTask(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.TransferSqlServerObjectsTask.dll 中) 语法 C# publicStringCollection TablesList {get;set; } ...
SELECT'Table'ASobject_type,owner,table_nameFROMall_tablesUNIONALLSELECT'View',owner,view_nameFROMall_views; USER_TABLES and USER_VIEWS SELECT'Table'ASobject_type,table_nameFROMuser_tablesUNIONALLSELECT'View',view_nameFROMuser_views; Show Tables in SQL Server ...