在PowerDesigner 反向工程DataBase SQl2005时出现:unable to list the tables 信息 此时应该设置sqlserver2005数据库的行为设置为指定Sql server版本兼容: 执行: EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel 'dbname', '90'; GO sp_dbcmptlevel (Transact-SQL):将某些数据库行为设置为与指定的 SQL Server 版本兼容 [ @dbname = ] name ...
Transact-SQL Server 游标。 ODBC 应用程序打开的 API 服务器游标,然后调用SQLSetCursorName它来命名游标。 用于sp_describe_cursor_columns说明游标返回的结果集的属性。 用于sp_describe_cursor_tables游标引用的基表的报表。sp_describe_cursor报告与指定游标相同的信息sp_cursor_list,但只报告指定游标的信息。
select schema_name(tab.schema_id) as schema_name, tab.name as table_name, col.column_id, col.name as column_name, t.name as data_type, col.max_length, col.precision from sys.tables as tab inner join sys.columns as col on tab.object_id = col.object_id left join sys.types as t...
Transact-SQL Server 游标。 ODBC 应用程序打开的 API 服务器游标,然后调用SQLSetCursorName它来命名游标。 用于sp_describe_cursor_columns说明游标返回的结果集的属性。 用于sp_describe_cursor_tables游标引用的基表的报表。sp_describe_cursor报告与指定游标相同的信息sp_cursor_list,但只报告指定游标的信息。
適用於:SQL Server保留所有目標伺服器的下載指示佇列。展開資料表 資料行名稱資料類型描述 instance_id int 提供數據列自然插入序列的識別數據行。 source_server sysname 來源伺服器的名稱。 operation_code tinyint 工作的作業程式代碼: 1 = INS (INSERT) 2 = UPD (UPDATE) 3 = DEL (DELETE) 4 = S...
To really use this feature, firstly we have to make sure that two tables have the same names in different database, in addition, they have the same properties like A in every table. I think you could test it in your side. Best Regards, ...
If you plan to use other tables in the query data connection, you can add the other tables in this page of the wizard. Add other tables Click Add Table. In the Add Table or Query dialog box, click the name of ...
There is a checkbox next to Tables and next to Views. Those are the only two options shown. What should be in this dialog, left of Tables and Views, is an arrow to expand them and show the list of tables and views in the source database. The arrow is missing and I cannot expand ...
SqlDataAdapterda=newSqlDataAdapter("select * from Table_1 where age between 10 and 50",SqlCon);// 实例化数据集对象DataSetds=newDataSet();// 填充数据集中的指定表_=da.Fill(ds);DG_Data.ItemsSource=ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;// 读取到 ListViewLV_Data.ItemsSource=ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;SqlCon...