Show all tables in the Oracle Database To showall tablesin the entire Oracle Database, you query from thedba_tablesview as follows: SELECTtable_nameFROMdba_tables;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) You will get the following error message if you don’t have access to thedba...
Query was executed under the Oracle 12c Database version. Query A. Tables and their primary keys constraint accessible to the current user selecttab.ownerasschema_name, tab.table_name, acc.constraint_name,LISTAGG(acc.column_name,',')WITHINGROUP(orderbyacc.position)ascolumns, con.statusfromsys....
Each database vendor has a different way of showing tables. Sometimes there is a command, others have aSELECT queryfrom the data dictionary. Let’s take a look at a few ways in each database. Show Tables in Oracle SQL Oracle has several different built-in views that you can query to f...
2.65 LIST TABLES Middleware/ GoldenGate/ Oracle GoldenGate/ Release 19.1 Oracle GoldenGateコマンドライン・インタフェース・リファレンス LIST TABLESでは、コマンド引数の指定に一致するデータベース内のすべての表を一覧表示します。このコマンドを使用する前に、DBLOGINコマンドを使用してデ...
Database/ Oracle/ Oracle Database/ Release 21 Programmer's GuideList of Examples List of Figures List of Tables Title and Copyright Information Preface 1 Introduction to Oracle XML Developer's Kit 2 Security Considerations for Oracle XML Developer's Kit Part I Oracle XML Developer's Kit for C...
If you are a MySQL database administrator or developer it is crucial to keep a close eye on all the processes and changes in all the database objects. Among the other frequently used commands, SHOW TABLES allows you to get all the tables at your fingertips. In this article, we will ta...
List all users in the Oracle Database: SELECT * FROM dba_users;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) Show the information of the current user: SELECT * FROM user_users;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) Oracle ALL_USERS The ALL_USERS view lists all users...
Tables are the basic unit of data storage in an Oracle database and they contain all persistent data in the Agile application. Persistent data includes configuration settings and business specific data making the implementation self-contained. This allows the database to be replicated in other enviro...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 11.2]: ORA-39194 When Exporting With Data Pump a Large List of Tables
ColumnDataType ComponentSetup 压缩 ConfigurationType ConnectionPolicyName CreatedByType CreateMode CreateSqlPoolRestorePointDefinition CspWorkspaceAdminProperties CustomerManagedKeyDetails CustomSetupBase CustomSetupBaseUnion 数据库 DatabaseCheckNameRequest DatabaseListResult DatabasePrincipalAssignment DatabasePr...