This article resolves a problem that occurs when you use thevssadmin list writerscommand on a Windows Server 2003-based computer. when the issue occurs, you may receive an error message, an event, or the list may be blank. Applies to:Windows Server...
Active Directory - Microsoft Windows SMB Shares Unprivileged Access Active Directory - Unnest AD groups from nested AD group Active Directory - Users and Computers - Reset Account Active Directory : How to Add Additional Attributes to the User Objects in Active Directory Active Directory "Location" f...
This article resolves a problem that occurs when you use thevssadmin list writerscommand on a Windows Server 2003-based computer. when the issue occurs, you may receive an error message, an event, or the list may be blank. Applies to:Windows Server 2003 Original KB number:9...
LargeFileSharesState 如果設定為 [已啟用],則允許大型檔案共用。 一旦啟用,就無法停用它。 properties.lastGeoFailoverTime string 取得故障轉移至次要位置之最近實例的時間戳。 只會保留最新的時間戳。 如果沒有故障轉移實例,則不會傳回這個專案。 只有在 accountType 是Standard_GRS或Standard_RAGRS時才可使用...
Allow large file shares if sets to Enabled. It cannot be disabled once it is enabled. properties.lastGeoFailoverTime string Gets the timestamp of the most recent instance of a failover to the secondary location. Only the most recent timestamp is retained. This element is not returned if...
However i noticed the same issue, anything my wife creates and shares to me, does not show in reminders. However in Microsoft To-Do app i can see everything fine. I’m hoping Microsoft fixes this issue, or release a Apple Watch app so i can use my watch.","author":{"__ref":"...
Important:While SharePoint allows considerable customization of site permissions, we highly recommend using the built-in SharePoint groups for communication sites and managing team site permissions through the associated Microsoft 365 group. You can add, change, or remove permissions ...
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\LanmanWorkstation Click: Edit -> New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value Name it: AllowInsecureGuestAuth Set value to: 1 Exit Registry Editor Reboot At this point, with either method, you should be able to see secured shares without a us...
Windows Central Co-Founder of Google Brain, Andrew Ng, Recommends: "These 5 Books Will Turn Your Life Around"Andrew Ng, computer scientist and technology entrepreneur focusing on artificial intelligence, shares the five books he thinks will change your life.Blinkist: Andrew Ng's Reading List| ...
Local network: "SiteList"="\\network\shares\sites.xml" Local file: "SiteList"="file:///c:\\Users\\<user>\\Documents\\testList.xml" All of your managed devices must have access to this location if you want them to be able to access and use Enterprise Mode and your site list. Fo...