Go to search, type PowerShell, and open PowerShell (Admin) Paste the following line, and press Enter:Get-appxprovisionedpackage -online | where-object {$_.packagename -like “*windowscommunicationsapps*”} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage -online Restart your computer Error Code 0x80d0000a To ...
DISM App Package (.appx or .appxbundle) Servicing Command-Line Options here are the details on how to use the Powershell command to remove appx packages Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage Not all apps can be removed, this list should show the list of apps that can be removed and which ones ca...
DISM App Package (.appx or .appxbundle) Servicing Command-Line Options here are the details on how to use the Powershell command to remove appx packages Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage Not all apps can be removed, this list should show the list of apps that can be removed and which ones can...
DISM App Package (.appx or .appxbundle) Servicing Command-Line Options here are the details on how to use the Powershell command to remove appx packages Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage Not all apps can be removed, this list should show the list of apps that can be removed and which ones cann...