aclitem的格式rolename=xxxx/yyyy, 分为3个部分, 含义分别是 rolename -- privileges granted to a role, 被授权者 xxxx -- privileges granted to , 权限列表参考 "privileges - 权限列表" 章节 yyyy -- role that granted this privilege, 授权者 privileges - 权限列表 r--SELECT("read")w--UPDATE("w...
| | | =r/postgres | |public| mytab |table| | |public| permission_target |table| postgres=arwdDxt/postgres+| | | | | =arwd/postgres | |public| pgbench_accounts |table| | |public| pgbench_branches |table| | |public| pgbench_history |table| | |public| pgbench_tellers |table| | ...
1. Open theSQL Shell (psql)app. 2. Connect to the server by providing the relevant information about your PostgreSQL installation. Alternatively, pressEnterfive times to use default values. Thepostgresprompt appears. Note: In Linux, use the terminal to switch to an authorized PostgreSQL user and...
the \z for Returning Tables in a Database in PostgreSQL Another pretty common method used may include \z. This is mistakenly written as '/z', which may result in an error. The statement is as follows. postgres-# \z This mostly returns the tables made by the user. Also, you may us...
You did not specify if this is a test machine or planned for prod, but you probably should use the service command to run the initdb and after that sudo to the postgres user to run the createdb. Often in *nix systems the installer setups up PGDATA variable for you so you don't have...
• LOGIN/CONNECT • SELECT PRIVILEGES For normal installations, user account of 'dbuser' will be used in the database_params.conf file instead of 'postgres' user. However, for service pack installations, 'postgres' user will be used by default and other two users will be created on ...
rusq/slackdump - Save or export your private and public Slack messages, threads, files, and users locally without admin privileges. FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like. gravitl/netmaker - Netmaker makes netw...
go-xorm/xorm - Simple and Powerful ORM for Go, support mysql,postgres,tidb,sqlite3,mssql,oracle, Moved to [Modified BSD License] (⭐️6664) Archived! gobuffalo/packr - The simple and easy way to embed static files into Go binaries. [MIT License] (⭐...
GRANT Command:User access privileges to a database are given by this command. It can be used to grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges to a user on a single table or several tables. Syntax:GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON MY_TABLE TO SOME_USER, ANOTHER_USER; ...
validate(); for (final String objectName : objectNames) { grant.getGrantTargets().forEachKeyValue(new Procedure2<GrantTargetType, String>() { @Override public void value(GrantTargetType grantTargetType, String grantTarget) { for (String privilege : grant.getPrivileges()) { changes.add(Grant...