White's scouts are a Human and an anthropomorphic dog who work for General White. The human is ranked a sergeant, while the dog is an ordinary soldier. Out of White's regular soldiers, they are the only two to have a major role in the Dragon Ball anime. They are first introduced when...
I’m so proud of these hometown janglers. For their second album, they decamped to Chicago to work with members ofRatboysandDehd, and the results are excellent. Even though this came out last February, its songs have had staying power and its spot at or near the top of this year’s...
Roadiz - Modern CMS based on a node system which can handle many types of services. (Source Code) MIT PHP SilverStripe - Easy to use CMS with powerful MVC framework underlying. (Demo, Source Code) BSD-3-Clause PHP SPIP - Publication system for the Internet aimed at collaborative work, ...
RDF Datatyping - This document summarizes the common understanding of the RDF Core Working Group (further referred to as WG) with regards to the theoretical foundation for datatyping of literal values and serves as a basis of definition, discussion, and comparison of all proposed schemes for achi...
Triveneto lines 12/13/23 1820 kB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the lines serving the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions. More details at the dedicated page. Cervignano - Udine 7/3/23 683 kB Paolo Gronchi Simulation of the lines serving the Udine and Cervignano freight yard, on the bord...
Complete list of the SAP transactions sorted by transaction code. TAReportHeader Description IAOMA IAOM_LOG_REPOR Log for Account Assignment Manager IAOMB IAOM_LOG_DELET Delete Acc. Assignment Manager Log IAOMC IAOM_LINK_ANAL Object Link Analysis Acct Management IAOM0 IAOM_BUSINESS Business Sc...
bit- basic unit of information Dimensionless alpha- fine-structure constant g_e- electron g-factor g_p- proton g-factor Dose Equivalent Sv- sievert (SI) Dynamic Viscosity P- poise reyn- reynolds Electric Charge C- coulomb (SI) Fr- franklin ...
- Yard Tasks - Trip Packing Lists - And more! Summary of Lists > Three main to-do lists: Today, Tomorrow, Later > 30+ Life Lists for various non-urgent task management > Daily, Weekly, & Monthly lists for repetitive tasks Stats
- Yard Tasks - Trip Packing Lists - And more! Summary of Lists > Three main to-do lists: Today, Tomorrow, Later > 30+ Life Lists for various non-urgent task management > Daily, Weekly, & Monthly lists for repetitive tasks Stats
Acrobatic Gymnastics— team of gymnasts work together to perform acrobatic moves in combination with dance moves. Acroski— athletes on snow skis perform various choreographed routines (once called Ski Ballet). Adventure Racing— an event combining two or more endurance disciplines, such as Orienteering...