The narrative unfolds through the eyes of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw (Matthew Broderick), who leads this group of soldiers in their fight against prejudice and for freedom. Private Trip (Denzel Washington) and Sergeant Major John Rawlins (Morgan Freeman) play pivotal roles in this struggle. Th...
Zulu(1964) – Expertly staged and finely executed account of 139 British soldiers held off 4000 Zulu warriors at Rorke’s Drift. Zulu is a historic film highlighting the stoic heroism of its characters and stands tall among the greatest war movies. The Guns of Navarone(1961) A British team...
Check out this Bronze Star recipient list to see who have dedicated their lives to protecting the USA. Featuring WWII Bronze Star recipients and more, this list has it all. Bernard W. Rogers Distinguished Service Cross, National Order of Vietnam, Commendation Medal Bernard William Rogers (July ...
I recently spent time in some Veterans Hospitals and talked to soldiers who were part of the 'War on Terror'. It changed their lives dramatically and left many in a state of constant pain and suffering. And, like most wars it was all to support the authorized lies that were given to th...
Matching archive film and photography to their original locations, this series charts the most extraordinary events of WWII from a unique perspective. 8.3/10 (20)Rate Top-rated S1.E2 ∙ Hitler's Vengeance WeaponsSun, Sep 25, 2022 In 1942, Hitler wants revenge for the relentless bombing of ...
It is World War I and French soldiers are sent off to a dangerous war. Bakary Diallo is a father who is enlisting but less so because of serving his country and more to be with his 17-year-old son Thierno that was unwillingly recruited into the army. The two of them are sent off...
It sees each player controls an infantry squad or vehicle crew consisting of 4-9 soldiers inspired by real-life divisions of their respective country’s military with varying classes. While on the battlefield, players can issue orders to soldiers and switch between AI troops in real-time as th...
More than 156,000 British, American and Canadian soldiers are transported across the English Channel in the largest seaborne invasion ever attempted; "The Big Three" come face to face for the second and last time in the town of Yalta. World War II; Race to Victory S01E06 The Allies agree...
is sketched both from the aristocratic viewpoint of Julius Caesar, his family, his adopted successor Octavian Augustus, and their political allies and adversaries, and from the politically naive viewpoint of a few ordinary Romans, notably the soldiers Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo and their familie...
Originally calling himself the Siberian Tiger, Lavrov took on the code-name of Sibercat after the Russian mercenary named Foxfire tore through the ranks of the Soviet Super-Soldiers, killing many Russian mutants. Sibercat was saved by Blind Faith and joined the second incarnation of the Super-So...