Whilesmoking has long been known to have negative effects on the lungs, researchers have confirmed that the average life expectancy of someone who smokes is about 10 years shorter compared to that of a non-smoker. Furthermore, tobacco use is considered the number one cause of preventable death,...
126k building footprints (Atlanta), 27 WorldView 2 images (0.3m res.) from 7-54 degrees off-nadir angle. Bi-cubicly resampled to same number of pixels in each image to counter courser native resolution with higher off-nadir angles, Paper:Weir et al. 2019 ...
List of animals Main article:Animals This page has been suggested forrecoding.Reason:Selectable columns to make manageable table sizes? may run into template size limits.. You can help RimWorld Wiki byimprovingit. Wildanimalscan spawn in specificbiomes, whereas almost any animal may be purchased ...
Valheimcasts you as one of Odin’s fallen warriors whose soul ends up in the tenth Norse world, a vast primordial pool with untapped resources and undiscovered threats. The game leans heavily into the Viking fantasy, allowing you to build your very own settlements in resource-rich biomes and ...
A huge collection of Minecraft tier list templates. AlphabeticalPopularRecent Create New Template 73 Mobs of Minecraft (Updated 1.18/Wild Update) 85 Minecraft Mobs 44 Minecraft Mobs 50 Minecraft Biomes (1.21.4) 74 Minecraft Mobs 1.19 27
Our ultimate recommendation is less of a mod and more of a standalone application that grants players more creative freedom over their world’s appearance. Teditincludes various tools designed to unlock your imagination and fully customize your world by recoloring objects, importing prefab structures,...
DuncanRuns/MinecraftCoopStarter - A simple ngrok wrapper for minecraft coops; opens the 25565 tcp port to the world through ngrok. DuncanRuns/Force-Port-Mod - A fabric mod which forces the port of the "open to lan" feature to be 25565. tr7zw/ItemSwapper - Tweaks to the inventory system...
The game's world was inspired by New Caledonia while its characters are voiced by local talent in traditional languages, according to the developer. The Crew Motorfest Release Date: September 14, 2023 Set on the island of O'ahu, Hawaii, The Crew Motorfest promises a familiar but improved ...
Twenture is the first Survival, PVP, SkyBlock, Earth, and LifeSteal Server set in version 1.20.1-1.21.4. Get ready to make memories that you will never forget and play on one of the fastest growing SMP's in the world! IP: is a Minecraft server that... ...
Recently, several consortia and research groups across the world have launched initiatives for generating large numbers of high-quality genomes of non-model organisms for conservation purposes. Examples include- the Darwin Tree of Life project (https://www.darwintreeoflife.org/), California ...