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read the full post at Programming and Writing ▼ antirez1270 days ago. One year ago I paused my programming life and started writing a novel, with the illusion that my new activity was deeply different than the previous one. A river of words later, written but...
Tired of using 'bootylicious?' Need a few good butt-related words? We have the list for you. Read on to learn 'callipygian' 'natiform,' and more.
Examples of words with the root re-: remodel Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree re- pref. 1. Again; anew: rebuild. 2. Backward; back: react. 3. Used as an intensive: refine. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin; see...
So I have a list of words in a text file. I want to perform lemmatization on them to remove words which have the same meaning but are in different tenses. Like try, tried etc. When I do this, I keep getting an error like TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' results=[] with open('...
The members of the group like tobumfuzzlepeople with their flowery words. Burgeon My family expects my belly toburgeonquickly because I have triplets on the way. Carouse Most people with many problems go to the bar tocarouseand forget their troubles for at least one night. ...
This contrasts with only 87% for the GSL and AWL for the same corpus. A final difference is the presentation of the words. The NAWL includes only inflected forms or variant spellings of words, rather than whole word families, meaning that although it has more headwords than the AWL (963 ...
This page describes the Chemistry Academic Word List (CAWL), giving information on what the CAWL is, details about how it was developed, information on text coverage of the CAWL, mentions some problems with the published list, as well as giving a complete list of words in the CAWL. To exp...
You probably know this, but it’s always good to clarify: Alphabetize means to arrange words in alphabetical order, or from A to Z. To alphabetize a list means you arrange the list of items starting from A to Z. Why Is Alphabetical Order Important?
In order to make your learning of the words structured, each academic word list has been divided into sets of 10 words. Each set of exercises then focuses on just those 10 words. When you are confident you know them, you can move onto the next 10. ...