In 1709, he married Mary Allamby, and engaged in some level of militia service. Because of marital problems, and despite his lack of sailing experience, Bonnet decided he should turn to piracy in the summer of 1717. He bought a sailing vessel, named it Revenge, and travelled with his ...
Although the spirit united with the Pixl vessel that formed the Pixl Queen had previously been described as "demonic", Carson later stated that a certain one of the magician's apprentices' books revealed that the Pixl Queen's spirit was actually derived from a human rather than a demon. It...
List of largest container carriers in the world, world's biggest container-shipping companies/alliances, list of shipping trade routes, vessel types, boxships details-statistics-news
1. the date of sail is first one from the date unit was received 2. the vessel with that date is calling the destination neededI am stuck at below: column = VAR VoyagesCallingPOD = [[[ the list of all vessel names which call the right destination ]]] ...
(of a ship or boat) to incline to one side;careen: The ship listed to starboard. Synonyms:heel,slant,tilt verb (used with object) to cause (a vessel) to incline to one side: The shifting of the cargo listed the ship to starboard. ...
A very common type of whaling vessel, the Balener was also known by a variety of names such as: Baleinier, Ballenero, Baleinier, Baleniera. The ship is very similar to a brig, generally with two masts equipped with square rigged sails. Although there was a bit of variation depending ...
bested the assailants,[27] while Cavatina killed the demigod himself in the Demonweb Pits (with the help of the Lady Penitent), using the Crescent Blade, which she had recovered almost intact[8][27] (but which was no longer the original artifact, and had become a vessel for the balor...
mandatory use of vessel [...] 此外,莫桑比克正在实施一个区域综 合渔业信息和统计系统,并正致力于推进这一系统,从渔获量到上岸体系到从“海 洋到餐桌”的完全价值链追踪体系。158 挪威报告称它促进制订了各项区域措施, 包括制订区域渔业管理组织的违规渔船清单(南极海生...
"We must number the names of the great mathematicians" 4. cause to lean to the side; "Erosionlistedthe old tree" 5. tilt to one side; "The balloon heeled over" "the wind made the vessel heel" "The shiplistedto starboard" 展开全部 ...
so Vegeta says that he and Trunks will do the same. The day of the tournament comes, and old friends catch up. Everyone has arrived to watch. Gohan, who is now married to Videl, has decided not to enter, but his daughter, Pan, will fight. Since there is no junior division this tim...