We have released a new dataset, awesome-japanese-nlp-multilabel-dataset. This is a dataset for Japanese natural language processing with multi-label annotations of research field labels for GitHub repositories in the NLP domain. Python symptom-expression-search - ElasticsearchやGiNZA、患者表現辞書を使...
We 0 went to a Japanese restaurant last weekend. I 1 noodles and I 2 green tea.We 3 a lot of animals at the zoo! We 4 photos of the gorillas. My brother 5 away from the tigers! I 6 some interesting shells on the beach and I 7 them in ...
One of the most frequently used verbs in Japanese issuru, meaning “to do.” Not only does it have a broad definition, but it can be paired with a variety of nouns to create new verbs! These pairs [noun+suru] are commonly referred to assuruverbs. When conjugatingsuruverbs, only thesur...
Advanced Spanish: Verbs: The Standard Deviants Released: 2000 Adventures in Odyssey: Escape from the Forbidden Matrix Released: 2000 Adventures in Wild California Cory Lloyd A virtual expedition that sends audiences careening down an icy, steep mountain face with snowboarders; twirling on thermals...
An English-Japanese pronouncing dictionary, with an appendix containing a table of irregular verbs, tables of money, weight, and measure, and a list of Eng... Signs and abbreviations, British and American measures, weights, and coins, irregular and auxiliary verbs are also listed in this sectio...
250 Japanese anime words and phrases that all anime fan would want to know about. This epic list includes slang, cool dialect variations, and must-know cute Japanese words.
Adjectives Adjectives List of Adjectives Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Adjective WorksheetsAn adjective is a word that describes, identifies, modifies, or quantifies something (a noun or a pronoun). In the phrase, "the black cat" the word black is an adjective because it describes the ...
| | Natural Language Syntax Highlighting | Highlight adjectives, nouns, adverbs, verbs, and conjunctions in the editor. | | Focus Active Sentence | Highlight the sentence the cursor is currently resting on. | | Journal Review | Review your daily notes on their anniversaries, like "what ...
JapaneseLatinoAsianAustralianCatholicLutheranJewish The following adjective lists are just a sampling of adjectives in the English language. They are categorized by the type of attribute the adjectives describe. Use your dictionary or thesaurus to add to each list or use the complete list below this ...
Conversation lessons Easy Japanese is a conversation-based language course for beginners. Quizzes let you see how you’re doing; Travel and culture tips put the language in context; Stick with it for all lessons and you’ll be well on your way to speakin