US Customs and Border Protection Port of Entry Codes Below is a full list of CBP Codes related to all port of entry locations in the US. These codes are nothing but the US Port of Entry abbreviations as well. CBP Code US Port of Entry Location CBP Code US Port of Entry Location ABE ...
HTTPS4All: Port of HTTPS Everywhere to force (most) links to use HTTPS App Store 2020 swift ☆37 SimpleLogin: Protect your email with aliases and more. Its Share Extension helps you create aliases on the fly without leaving your favorite browser App St...
Country-State-City Microservice API - API and Microservice to provides a wide range of information including countries, regions, provinces, cities, postal codes, and much more. The free tier includes up to 100 requests per day. Coupler - Data integration tool that syncs between apps. It can...
This API is used to remove a security group from the security group list of a port.You can debug this API through automatic authentication in API Explorer.PUT /v3/{projec
Seabay Port Code Finder can help you search the nearest port to you and get detailed information of global seaports.
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Vue Datamaps - Vue port of the javascript-based DataMaps - 📝 Create and share beautiful images of your notes and prose. LeagueStats - Statistics website for players of the online game League of Legends. Veniqa - An E-commerce solution with a shopping client and admin panel ...
When a fault occurs on the trunk port, the user can hold the propagation of Local Fault using this parameter. The range of timevalue is 0 to 3000 ms. insert-idle ingress Enables idle frames insertion in the ingress direction. insert-idle egress Enables idle ...
Port Code List Top 10 The codes for the busiest and largest seaports in the world according to volume of cargo are: CNSHA: Shanghai, China; 33.62 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent unit) SGSIN: Singapore; 32.63 million TEUs: CNSZX: Shenzhen, China; 23.28 million TEUS ...
The following list contains the Error Codes that you may receive when you try to make a dial-up connection or a VPN connection: 600 An operation is pending. 601 The port handle is invalid. 602 The port is already open. 603 Caller's buffer is too small. ...