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Universities List University names, countries and domains No Yes Unknown University of Oslo Courses, lecture videos, detailed information for courses etc. for the University of Oslo (Norway) No Yes Unknown UPC database More than 1.5 million barcode numbers from all around the world apiKey Yes Unk...
National Bank of Poland A collection of currency exchange rates (data in XML and JSON) No Yes Yes Rwanda Locations Rwanda Provences, Districts, Cities,Capital City, Sector, cells, villages and streets No Yes Unknown Exchange rates, geolocation and VAT number validation No Yes Yes...
Selected Poems of Calvin C. Hernton by Calvin C. Hernton (Wesleyan University Press, Aug 01, 2023) In Spite of the Consequences: Prison Letters on Exoneration, Abolition, and Freedom by Lacino Hamilton (Broadleaf Books, Jul 25, 2023) I Love My People by Kim Singleton (Broadleaf Books...
University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date Beyond Silicon Valley: Growing Entrepreneurship in Transitioning Economies (Coursera) The path for entrepreneurs to grow their companies outside of well-developed entrepreneurial ecosystems like Silicon Valley is challenging. Most ...
supervision skills and strategies to help you support your PhD candidate on their journey to success. Understand your role in the shared journey of PhD supervision. During this three-week course from the University of Groningen, you will reflect on your role and responsibilities in the shared [....
Economic growth in Rwanda is associated with significant changes in food systems, access to health and other services, lifestyle, and nutritional transitions. Nevertheless, our knowledge of dietary patterns in Rwanda remains limited. The present study aimed to identify the dietary habits of young adul...
University Colleges List (UCL) University Colleges List (UCL) is a complete online resource for students interested in pursuing a university or college degree. UCL provides information on the current and future academics and details about university full profiles, university courses, rankings, admission...