List of awards and nominations received by Emma Watson List of active Royal Navy ships List of ambassadors of the United States to the United Kingdom List of asset management firms List of airline codes List of active Indian military aircraft List of richest Americans in history List of aircraft...
Part 26 – Reflections (4 of 6); Fighter Operations Posted onJuly 12, 2020 Blown Slick Series #13 Part 26 The U.S. Navy’s carrier fighting squadrons took particular pride in their own contribution during the first fourteen crucial weeks, from 7 August to 15 November 1942. At heavy cost...
date unknownRear view of an International Harvester M-5H-6 2 1/2-ton 6x6 transport truck with 12-ft. bed, built to the same specifications as the GMC CCKW but in much fewer numbers; Holabird, Mayland, United States, date unknownCargo loaded in a C-46 Commando transport aircraft at Bori...