PoE Heist added 35 new Unique items, including one designed by a supporter.It also added 91 new Replica unique items, which are twists on existing Unique items. These can only be obtained through Heists. Replica Unique Items(91 new) List of Heist Uniques(35 new) Unique Items Changes ...
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy ImpresenceLevel 64 (10-16) to all AttributesAdds (12-16) to (20-25) Physical Damage(400-500) to Armour(50-70) to maximum Life(30-40)% increased Stun and Block RecoveryVulnerability has 100% reduced Mana ...
2. Treasure maps not stacking and surveys not being able to be collected at once if you have more than one of the same survey!! There's no need for treasure maps to be "unique" items, this just wastes time and makes you unable to loot duplicates... The survey thing annoys me to ...
Journal of Applied philosophy: Journal of the Society for Applied Philosophy Vol 27 Number 1 February 2010 GBP 3.831441361599 BEITZ, CHARLES R. (ED.) Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 36 Number 1 Winter 2008 GBP 3.191441361600 REAL , HERMANN J. (ED.) Swift Studies: The Annual of the ...
found so far, when you get to fight them in the game rank wise, along with some quick tips on attacks and new status effects you'll want to watch out for. I also mention a few of the new skills that are specific to certain monster armour sets, such as Malzeno's incredible Blood ...