A curated list of awesome responsible machine learning resources. - jphall663/awesome-machine-learning-interpretability
A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. - fffaraz/awesome-cpp
It can handle classification, regression, and time series forecasting tasks on different types of data (including multi-modal datasets). Sklearn-genetic-opt: An AutoML package for hyperparameters tuning using evolutionary algorithms, with built-in callbacks, plotting, remote logging and more. ...
Despite different versions of ACSCs lists, a universal consensus has been reached that the list of ACSCs should contain three major types of diseases, namely chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, for which high-quality health management is key to mitigating acute exacerbation and ...
What types of experiments inform systems-level thinking? Why do we need computation and simulations to understand these systems? The course will develop multiple lines of reasoning to answer the questions listed above. Two major reasoning threads are: the design, execution and interpretation of ...
This week focuses on ways that we can help children to live and learn in a world of change. We will consider the importance of cultivating creativity and acknowledging multiple types of intelligence. We will also look at learning that takes place informally outside of school. We will identify...
I have been trying to list the types of materials in a list that relates the material (Table 1) with its type according to the final product (Table 2), so...
Six instructional methods for initial reading vocabulary acquisition that were concerned with two list types combined with three sources of cue, using 127 first-graders divided into six treatment groups, were investigated. The Ss in each treatment received four types of tests to determine the level ...
The Science Word List (SWL) is a list of 318 word families which do not occur in the GSL or AWL but which occur frequently in science texts.
graphy.js - A collection of RDF libraries for JavaScript developers with a focus on performance and usability. @zazuko/rdf-vocabularies - Library of common vocabularies link-redux - View RDF resources in React @ontologies - Like @types, but for ontologies rdfdev-js - Collection of libraries to...