Example Response 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 { "packages":[ { "code":"bag", "features":[ ...
v2rayA/v2rayA - A web GUI client of Project V which supports VMess, VLESS, SS, SSR, Trojan, Tuic and Juicity protocols. 🚀 photoprism/photoprism - AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web 🌈💎✨ lima-vm/lima - Linux virtual machines, with a focus on running containers Jro...
// ListPodSandbox returns a list of Sandbox.func(ds *dockerService)ListPodSandbox(filter *runtimeApi.PodSandboxFilter)([]*runtimeApi.PodSandbox, error){// By default, list all containers whether they are running or not.opts := dockertypes.ContainerListOptions{All:true} filterOutReadySandboxes...
26 webgm Web based version of Game Maker 8. luizzeroxis 30 27 dockly Immersive terminal interface for managing docker containers and services lirantal 3874 28 homepage A highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations. gethomepage 22012...
validate public void validate() Validates the instance. value public List value() Get the value property: The list of containers. Returns: the value value. Applies to Azure SDK for Java Preview在GitHub 上與我們共同作業 您可以在 GitHub 上找到此內容的來源,在其中建立和檢閱問題和提取要求。 如需...
They offer an exclusive, luxurious range by Freyja, supplied in generously sized, refillable bottles, sidestepping leaks and the burden of tiny containers. These premium products are replenished daily or upon request, ensuring you’re always catered to. ...
RestorableSqlContainersListResult 列出作業回應,其中包含 SQL 容器事件及其屬性。 SpatialSpec SpatialType 表示索引的空間類型。 UniqueKey 上的唯一索引鍵,會在 Azure Cosmos DB 服務集合中的檔上強制執行唯一性條件約束。 UniqueKeyPolicy 針對Azure Cosmos DB 服務集合中檔指定唯一性條件約...
Plastic zipper bags– great for storing prepared ingredients in the fridge or freezer. These also tend to take up less space than plastic containers but aren’t great for liquid. Bread bin/box– keeping bread in one of these ensures that the bread stays well ventilated, out of direct light...
OperatingSystemTypes 此屬性可讓您指定從使用者映像或特製化 VHD 建立 VM 時,磁碟包含的 OS 類型。 可能的值為:Windows、Linux。 vhdContainers string[] 指定用來儲存擴展集作業系統磁碟的容器 URL。 writeAcceleratorEnabled boolean 指定是否應該在磁碟上啟用或停用 writeAccelerator。 VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProf...
The centre of the city is closed off to cars, so pedestrians can wander free and bring their own alcohol in plastic containers to party on the streets. Real life vikings come over from the Shetland Islands to lead the city’s procession with fire torches, before the hourly firework displays...