"Where'd you learn to cook, Truck Driving School? Go back to the kitchen and follow a recipe or something!" "What ingredients did you use in that monstrosity?" "Whatever they were, I think they were seriously wrong!" "I'll never eat such a nasty creation again, I tell you! I swea...
Driving a LED array from a BeagleBone Black Posted in: LED Projects Home Automation Raspberry and Phidgets part 2 Posted in: Home Automation Projects Developing the Rogue Pi Posted in: Wireless projects Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Kit for Raspberry Pi B+ Posted in: Motor Projects Simple ho...
Zendar http://www.zendar.io S17 We make high definition radar allowing self-driving cars to see in all weather conditions Zinc Platform https://www.zincplatform.com S17 Insurance distribution infrastructure bxblue https://bxblue.com.br S17 A marketplace for people with guaranteed income in...
Also, as of 2024, a match-day ticket serves as TriMet proof of fare, giving fans a free ride to and from the stadium. Don’t Miss Really, it’s more that you’ll be unable to miss the Timbers Army and the Rose City Riveters, the supporters groups for each teams—expect near-non...
Early one October morning, a nice woman sent a young magpie (喜鹊) to my home for care. The magpie flew into the front window of a truck and got hurt, but luckily the woman was passing by. With my care, the young magpie was doing well, but he was not happy to find himself in ...
In Ram’s new Big Game commercial, Powell creates his own version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, driving various Ram trucks while eating dragons, jumping volcanoes, and racing actual bears. Of course, the whole ad is really a story that “Uncle Glen” is reading to his niece and nephe...
Everyone was so overworked to the point that one of my ex coworkers said, everyday it feels like a big truck is about to hit her up and she would rather feel that then go work there at that hagwon. There's many more reasons to avoid this hagwon at all cost but I hope what i ...
LOOK: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving To find out more about how has the price of gas changed throughout the years, Stacker ran the numbers on the cost of a gallon of gasoline for each of the last 84 years. Usingdata from the Bureau of Labor Statistics(released...
You betrayed me Google! This ended up being six hours of driving round trip, not three. Have you ever ridden on a scooter for six hours? Not very comfortable at all. This is way too far to go on a scooter from Alona Beach, so opt to rent a car for the day or hire a driver. ...
Be mindful of black ice. Turn on your headlights. Drive defensively. Never drive through “white-outs”. Delay your trip until conditions improve. No texting while driving but keep your cell phone handy in case of emergencies. Never leave your vehicle if stuck. Wait for help to arrive. ...