Must-Have List of Free Microsoft Utilities for the IT Pro Toolbox Toolbox: TuneUp Utilities, HijackThis, SysCompare Pro Manage OCS from the Command Line with LCSCMD Free Utility: VMC to Hyper-V Import Tool Using the .NET StopWatch Class in a Windows PowerShell Script to Time an Activity...
Screenshot of This is a list of RSS related stuff. Every single sentence in has been extended into exact apps, tools and services recorded in this list. Contents are mainly organized based on the posts in the Telegram Channel @AboutRSS (in Chinese). Inspired...
List of tools for improving quality and reducing defects by code analysisCppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis. - source CppDepend - Simplifies managing a complex C/C++ code base by analyzing and visualizing code dependencies, by defining design rules, by doing impact analysis, and...
WindowsFormToolBox WindowsPhone WindowsService WindowsServiceStop WindowsServiceWarning WireframeView ウィザード WMIConnection WordWrap WorkAsSomeoneElse WorkerServiceFile WorkflowAssociationForm WorkflowInitiationForm WorkflowInterop WorkflowStartAssociation Workitem WorkItemGroup WorkItemQuery WorldLocal WPFApplicatio...
IVsToolboxDataProvider2 IVsToolboxDataProviderRegistry IVsToolboxItemProvider IVsToolboxItemProvider2 IVsToolboxPageChooser IVsToolboxUser IVsToolsOptions IVsToolsOptionsHelp IVsToolWindowFactory IVsToolWindowToolbar IVsToolWindowToolbarHost IVsToolWindowToolbarHost2 IVsToolWindowToolbarHost3 IVsToolWindowToolbarHost4...
Developing Business Solutions with Visual Studio Tools for Office Implementing a High-Resolution Time Provider for Windows C++ Q&A: List View Mode, SetForegroundWindow, and Class Protection New Stuff: Resources for Your Developer Toolbox The ASP Column: Using SOAP Extensions in ASP.NET ...
Of course, it isn't always possible, but in this case there is a class, ListControl, that provides the base implementation for both ComboBox and ListBox, and that will provide my new RadioButtonList control with all of the basic data-binding functionality I need: Copy Public Class ...
Controls Toolbox, and then drag it to the UserForm to put theCommandButton1control on the UserForm. Repeat step 7 to put a second CommandButtonon theUserForm. This puts the CommandButton2control on the UserForm. Double-click the UserForm to display theCodewi...
Flyway- Simple database migration tool. H2- Small SQL database notable for its in-memory functionality. HikariCP- High-performance JDBC connection pool. HSQLDB JDBI Jedis Jest jetcd Jinq OpenDJ- LDAPv3 compliant directory service, developed for the Java platform, providing a high performance, high...
IVsToolbox3 IVsToolbox4 IVsToolbox5 IVsToolbox6 IVsToolbox7 IVsToolboxActiveUserHook IVsToolboxClipboardCycler IVsToolboxClipboardCycler2 IVsToolboxDataProvider IVsToolboxDataProvider2 IVsToolboxDataProviderRegistry IVsToolboxItemProvider IVsToolboxItemProvider2 IVsToolboxPageChooser IVsToolboxUser ...