1、新建/mnt/docker/xiaoya文件夹; 2、根据mytoken.txt、myopentoken.txt、temp_transfer_folder_id.txt 内的连接,用手机扫码获得到对应的配置数据,覆盖掉原来的txt文档内容保存,docker_add ress.txt不用变动,然后上传到新建好的xiaoya文件夹内; 配置文件 ...
1、新建/mnt/docker/xiaoya文件夹; 2、根据mytoken.txt、myopentoken.txt、temp_transfer_folder_id.txt 内的连接,用手机扫码获得到对应的配置数据,覆盖掉原来的txt文档内容保存,docker_address.txt不用变动,然后上传到新建好的xiaoya文件夹内; 配置文件 3、终端输入命令对docker文件夹提权: chmod -R 777 /mnt/...
Laravel Shift for Docker - Run any of the Shifts for Laravel, Lumen, PHP, Django, and Tailwind completely locally using Raycast. @denniseilander code api@^1.48.8 utils@^1.5.2 Laravel Valet - Search and open local Valet sites @denniseilander code api@^1.50.4 utils@^1.5.2 LateX Math Symb...
Container registries should have exports disabled Disabling exports improves security by ensuring data in a registry is accessed solely via the dataplane ('docker pull'). Data cannot be moved out of the registry via 'acr import' or via 'acr transfer'. In order to disable exports, public netwo...
List of time zones consumed by Azure When creating Azure Automation scripts, you may have to reference time zones by name. Below is a table of acceptable values you may use in your scripts to denote the proper time zone.
裝載Docker 容器的代理程式 (VM) 數目。 允許的值必須介於使用者集區的 0 到 1000(含)範圍內,且系統集區的範圍為 1 到 1000(含)。 預設值為 1。 creationData CreationData 如果節點集區將會使用快照集建立/升級,則用來指定來源快照集標識符的 CreationData。 currentOrchestratorVersion string Agent 集...
Dockerfile added a dockerfile and readme for docker build Oct 30, 2022 LICENSE Add License, fixes #78 Oct 18, 2015 README.md fix: Astronomer hiring locations (#1881) Dec 28, 2024 index.md start the move to Jekyll and use Just the Docs Oct 11, 2023 package-lock.json Bump phin from...
The cost of the Windows license is not included in the Savings Plans. Local Zones and 3-AZ resources are not eligible for Savings Plans. Start Memory Optimized These instances are designed for data analysis and data science, with optimised CPU/RAM ratios and accelerated IOPS. vCores are clocked...
The list of Security Hub administrator accounts. Type: Array of AdminAccount objects NextToken The pagination token to use to request the next page of results. Type: StringErrors For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.Internal...
11 kubespy pod debugging tool for kubernetes clusters with docker runtimes 12 Inspektor Gadget A collection of eBPF-based tools to debug and inspect Kubernetes resources and applications 13 KubeSkoop kubernetes networking diagnose tool for different CNI plug-ins and IAAS providers 14 kubent Easily...