Miataru: Location tracking where data can be shared over public or private servers https://miataru.com/ios/ App Store Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 2020 objc ☆15 OneBusAway: Real-time arrival & schedule information for public transit in Seattle, Atlanta, Tampa...
Developers and Open Source authors now have many services offering free tiers, but finding them all takes time to make informed decisions. This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings with free developer tiers. The scope of this particular list is limited to thin...
dnsServers string[] DNS 服务器 IP 地址列表 VirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressConfiguration publicIPAddressConfiguration。 展开表 名称类型说明 name string publicIP 地址配置名称。 properties.deleteOption DeleteOptions 指定删除 VM 时公共 IP 会发生什么情况 properties.dnsSettings VirtualMachineScaleSet...
Search and Find the best Minecraft Servers using our multiplayer Minecraft Server List. Vote for Top Minecraft Servers. Survival, Creative or in between.
dnsServers string[] DNS 伺服器 IP 位址清單 VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration 指定網路介面的IP組態。 展開資料表 名稱類型Description name string IP 組態名稱。 properties.applicationGatewayBackendAddressPools SubResource[] 指定應用程式閘道後端位址池的參考數位。 虛擬機可以參考多個應用程式閘道的...
Events occur when the state of another API resource changes. The event’s data field embeds the resource’s state at the time of the change. For example, a charge.succeeded event contains a charge, and an invoice.payment_failed event contains an invoice. As with other API resources, you ...
// assuming we had a large set of servers (say 15) // the logic below will run them serially // hence taking 15 times the amount of time it takes // to ping each server // A better method would be to put this in an executor ...
Radius Server root certificate of VpnServerConfiguration. properties.radiusServerSecret string The radius secret property of the VpnServerConfiguration resource for point to site client connection. properties.radiusServers RadiusServer[] Multiple Radius Server configuration for VpnServerConfig...
Manual - You control the application of updates to virtual machines in the scale set. You do this by using the manualUpgrade action. Automatic - All virtual machines in the scale set are automatically updated at the same time. UpgradePolicy Describes an upgrade policy - automatic, manual, or...
OHMySQL - An Objective-C wrapper of MySQL C API. SwiftStore - Key-Value store for Swift backed by LevelDB. OneStore - A single value proxy for NSUserDefaults, with clean API. MongoDB - A Swift wrapper around the mongo-c client library, enabling access to MongoDB servers. MySQL - A Sw...