itmeo/webgradients - A curated collection of splendid gradients made in CSS3, .sketch and .PSD formats. spicetify/spicetify-themes - A community-driven collection of themes for customizing Spotify through Spicetify - adobe-fonts/source-code-pro - Monospaced font fa...
Brijinder Nath Goswamy ‘Conversations: India’s Leading Art Historian Engages with 101 themes, and More’ Maroof Raza (Former Army Officer) ‘Contested Lands: India, China, and the Boundary Dispute’ General MM Naravane ‘Bangladesh Liberation@50 Years: Bijoy' with Synergy: India-Pakistan War ...
vim-airline/vim-airline-themes : official theme repository for vim-airline weirongxu/coc-explorer : Explorer extension for coc.nvim wellle/tmux-complete.vim : insert mode completion of words in adjacent tmux panes wsdjeg/dein-ui.vim : UI for Shougo's dein.vim xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin :...
Sort options Sort byStart Date AscStart Date DescUpdated Date AscUpdated Date DescTitle AscTitle Desc Course Title Contains Initiative/Provider University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date Art & Ideas: Teaching with Themes (Coursera) ...
In this course, we will explore game worlds in existing games and study the art and influences that inform their themes and styles. We will also investigate key components of environment and level design as well as strategies designers use to define gameplay or advance it. We’ll also look ...
We are managed by a Christian ministry and hence our preference is for books with strong Christian themes or good moral value. Your book may be good but if it appears to be anti-Christian BareBackPress We want writers with strong, distinct voices/styles who give fresh and imaginative perspecti...
Rowe's lyrics are described as "unraveling", that revolve around themes of sexuality, nostalgia, and abandonment. Dig Deeper The Best Songs Featuring SZA, Ranked And Deeper The Best Songs On SZA's Album 'SOS' Also ranks #1 on Celebrities Who Love To Rock Crocs 88 Brenda Russell Adult ...
TEAChart - Simple and intuitive iOS chart library. Contribution graph, clock chart, and bar chart. TKRadarChart - A customizable radar chart in Swift. TWRCharts - An iOS wrapper for ChartJS. Easily build animated charts by leveraging the power of native Obj-C code. XJYChart - A Beautiful ...
Canada, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions of Canada, September 2020, archived August 2, 2023 | Developing Financial Sector Resilience in a Digital World: Selected Themes in Technology and Related Risks OECD, March 2020, archived June 16, 2023 | Open, Useful and Re-usable dat...
Common themes also changed. Postwar America was gripped by the fear of nuclear war and the spread of communism, and comics reflected the audience’s awareness of both. The cover ofCaptain Marvel Adventures#66 (1946) depicts the hero standing amid a decimated city, with warheads sailing his way...