According to the NSTC, CETs are a “subset of advanced technologies that are potentially significant to U.S. national security.”[6] The 2024 update to the CET List aims to further the objectives of the Biden Administration’s National Security Strategy, which highlights that “technology is ce...
JWG, the trusted financial services regulatory intelligence company, has announced the publication of a ground-breaking research paper ‘Managing Digital Infrastructure Risk: a collaborative path to financial services safety’. New regulation will fundamentally change the landscape for the biggest tech comp...
WASHINGTON-President Joe Biden’s 2024 State of the Unionaudience will include a long list of invited guests, including the parents of a Wall Street Journal reporter who’s been jailed in Russia and a mother who sued the state of Texas for the right to have an abortion. Biden will address...
According to Lamm, collaboration has weighed heavily on the minds of HR staff at throughout the past few years. The company shifted to fully remote work and only recently began to open new brick-and-mortar hubs to bolster its North American operations. Throughout that process, he...
While such a system is flexible, the government should not let it lead to a messy patchwork of siloed developments across sectors. That'swhat happened in the USwhere federal and state agencies did their own thing until it got too messy and President Biden had to step ...