aList of TCP flags that should occur. If a flag should be set it is prefixed by "+".If a flag should be unset it is prefixed by "-". 应该发生的TCP旗子名单。 如果应该设置旗子它加前缀由“+”。如果旗子应该是未了装配它加前缀由” - “。[translate]...
Zero Trust & SASE - Up to 50 Users, 24 hours of activity logging, three network locations Cloudflare Tunnel - You can expose locally running HTTP port over a tunnel to a random subdomain on use Quick Tunnels, No account required. More features (TCP tunnel, Load balancing...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 9b77e7f8763a mysql "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up About a minute 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp hardcore_kilby fdbf59a1163b centos "/bin/bash -c 'while…" 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes peaceful_darwin sunxinyangdeMacBook-Air:~ ...
ff4j/ff4j - Feature Flags for Java made easy JaceyRx/Examination_System - 一个简单的教务查询系统(主要技术SpringMVC + Spring + Mybatis + Shiro + Bootstrap) cuba-platform/cuba - CUBA Platform is a high level framework for enterprise applications development AppliedEnergistics/Applied-Energistics-2...
AzureFirewallPacketCaptureFlagsType AzureFirewallPacketCaptureRule AzureFirewallPublicIPAddress AzureFirewallRCAction AzureFirewallRCActionType AzureFirewalls AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateResponse AzureFirewallsDeleteOptionalParams AzureFirewallsGetOptionalParams AzureFirewallsGetResp...
If a kernel debugger is available, examine the stack trace: the!analyzedebug extension displays information about the bug check and can be helpful in determining the root cause, then enter one of thek (Display Stack Backtrace)commands to view the call stack. ...
KnownAzureFirewallPacketCaptureFlagsType KnownAzureFirewallRCActionType KnownAzureFirewallSkuName KnownAzureFirewallSkuTier KnownAzureFirewallThreatIntelMode KnownBastionConnectProtocol KnownBastionHostSkuName KnownBgpPeerState KnownCircuitConnectionStatus KnownCommissionedState KnownConfigurationType KnownConnectionMon...
*/ // 执行命令成功后重置client if (processCommand(c) == C_OK) { if (c->flags & CLIENT_MASTER && !(c->flags & CLIENT_MULTI)) { /* Update the applied replication offset of our master. */ c->reploff = c->read_reploff - sdslen(c->querybuf) + c->qb_pos; } // 命令处于...
In this case, -p means that you only look at the port number specified in place of “port_number”. Scan every open port on both TCP and UDP $ sudo nmap -n -Pn -sT -sU -p- We use two flags here: first -n which specified to nmap that it must not make a reve...
If a kernel debugger is available, examine the stack trace: the!analyzedebug extension displays information about the bug check and can be helpful in determining the root cause, then enter one of thek (Display Stack Backtrace)commands to view the call stack. ...