Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)
the ruins of Dinas Bran: Raven Castle, Langollen: Hazel Place, Wales Also known as Brenning-drake, Burning Candle, Dank Will, Death-fires, Dick-a-Tuesday, Elf-fire, The Fair Maid of Ireland, Friar’s Lantern, Gyl-Burnt-tail, Mad Crisp, Peg-a-lantern, Shot Stars, Spittle of the St...
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by Eiddin son of Einigan’s axeblow to the head. He became a saint of winegrowers and innkeepers. St. Odran is patron of Waterford & Saint Patrick’s charioteer. His wine festival in Hungary is the last Saturday in May in Velence. His statue is showered with water. His feast day ...
The Harp of Glandore plays enchanting music that stops all conflict. In Jack & the Beanstalk: Jacques et les Haricots Verts: Jack & the Green Beans she is a magic singing harp stolen by the giant: a golden-haired woman fused to a golden harp. Jack retrieves her as a harp and a ...