List of Tarot Card MeaningsThorough knowledge of the list of tarot card meanings is essential, both in order to appreciate the tarot as a whole and to interpret the meaning of specific tarot spreads for particular people and situations.
While you’re out there shopping, don’t forget to treat yourself:The Uncommon Tarot: A Contemporary Reimagining of an Ancient Oracle. You spent the whole day at the mall and your “ho ho ho” needs to become “slow slow slow.” Here’s your antidote:The Tarot Coloring Book. As the ...
Election season is rough. You need to be strong. This book has tarot spreads, tips, meditations, and magickal rituals to keep you fueled up to fight the good fight:Tarot For Troubled Times. Here’s an idea for a fun weekend activity – create your own tarot deck:Create Your Own Ta...
1 John 4:1-6 (NASB)“Beloved, doNOTbelieveEVERYspirit (those claiming to speak by the spirit), butTESTtheSPIRITSto see whether they are fromFROM GOD, becauseMANY FALSE PROPHETShave gone out into theWORLD. 2) By this you know theSPIRIT OF GOD: EVERY SPIRITthat confesses thatJESUS CHRISTha...
7.Learning Tarot Spreads 作者: Joan Bunning 出版社 : Weiser Books 评语: 对于运用牌阵的讲解。包括解读时的技巧和不少牌阵,而且简单易读。 8.The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals 作者: Mary K. Greer 出版社 : Llewellyn Publications 评语: 塔罗逆位详解,整本都只有讨论逆位的解法,相当深入细致,也是一...
Sometimes, you might look around and think “what can I do?” It’s hard to see where you fit in when everything seems to be falling apart.Tarot For Troubled Timeshas rituals, magic, meditations, and Tarot spreads to help you navigate this thing called life. ...
There’s a lot going on in the world right now. You might feel like checking out. The world needs you. Fuel up your tank with:Tarot For Troubled Times. It has rituals, magic, meditations, and Tarot spreads to keep you strong and inspired. ...
We all have a shadow side—the unappealing parts that we avoid, the parts that need tenderness and compassion. Tarot is a tool to confront your shadow and heal from within:Tarot For Troubled Times. It has rituals, meditations, tarot spreads, and more. ...
Oooh:Tarot Through the Witch’s Year: 33 Spreads for Spiritual Connection. The perfect journal for tarot lovers:The Weiser Tarot Journal: Guidance and Practice. Want a free chapter of my new book? The Cards You’re Dealt: Tarot for Illness, Caregiving, Loss, Grief, and Living Well. Get ...