OpenHIIT Link A cross platform HIIT and Tabata interval timer mobile application. OpenNutriTracker Link A calorie tracker to simplify nutritional tracking and management. QuitSmoke Link An app to help you quit smoking. Spartathlon Link This app aims to help athletes, supporters and volunteers during...
Group training is the main focus at Habitat For Fitness, with heart pumping, endorphin inducing classes such as Tabata, Barre Attack and TRX. Fitness Tepid Baths They may have been around for a hundred years, but The Teps are still as popular as ever. With two pools, spa and sauna ...
DAY 33:50分钟腿部 需要哑铃 Day 33 of EPIC _ Dumbbell LEGS BICEP Workout - Caroline Girva 51:32 DAY 34:60分钟全身训练 需要哑铃 椅子 Day 34 of EPIC _ 1 Hour FULL BODY WORKOUT with Dumbbells 1:04:06 DAY 35:35分钟无器械tabata HIIT燃脂 Day 35 of EPIC _ Tabata Style HIIT Workout [...
Tabata是由日本競速滑冰頂尖教練入澤孝一用來訓練國家代表隊的鍛鍊法,運動20秒,休息10秒,連續4分鐘共8個循環,這樣的訓練方式有效地提高運動員的肌肉無氧爆發能力,因為做動作的時間比休息時間更多,算是HVIT高量間歇運動(High volume interval training)。 Tabata間歇訓練瘦腿瘦全身!每天4分鐘等同慢跑1小時,完全是超高...
OpenHIIT Link A cross platform HIIT and Tabata interval timer mobile application. OpenNutriTracker Link A calorie tracker to simplify nutritional tracking and management. QuitSmoke Link An app to help you quit smoking. Spartathlon Link This app aims to help athletes, supporters and volunteers during...