Dead by Daylight (DBD) is a multiplayer twist in a survival horror genre dominated by single-player titles. A match of DBD consists of 5 players: 4 survivors against a designated killer. The killer’s goal is to hunt down each survivor in a procedurally generated map. For players who enjo...
"title":"\u6587\u4ef6:DBD Killer Trapper only.png"},{"fromid":124,"ns":6,"title":"\u6587\u4ef6:DBD Killer Trapper only.png"},{"fromid":1,"ns":6,"title":"\u6587\u4ef6:DBD Survivor Claudette only.png"},{"
TommySwan 19 SURVIVOR/KILLER/ENTERTAINMENT ❄️ !merch @crueloceangg Dead by Daylight JakieChannnn 1 Trying out Snowrunner (I suck) SnowRunner willynotwilliee 1 i wanna try new things.. Just Chatting FoldupGorilla 1 Patrician 3 | The Quest for Alderman | Patrician III: Rise of the Hanse...