Tertiary characters in Dragon Ball include Alexi from the Son Goku Saga, Saiyan Saga characters with familial bonds, Earth-bred fighters, and protagonists from Dragon Ball Super. Others gained powers from artifacts like the Dragon Ball, possess God Ki, appeared in the Majin Buu Saga, fused bodie...
Sabre is a mutant super villain. His first appearance was in X-Men #106. Young and reckless, Sabre was chosen by Mystique to join her new Brotherhood of Mutants, though never actually participated in any missions. He had the mutant ability of super speed, and took the name of the ...
There’s no change to actual powers, here. The previous chapter is canon in many respects. -Comment by WildbowonBuzz 7.9 ↑Reddit commentby Wildbow,Archivedon Spacebattles. ↑Roulette can, in her words, ‘shotgun precog’. She views a spread of futures in a matter of moments, with the...
Provided by: Fandom What is the significance of tertiary characters in the Dragon Ball series? Tertiary characters in Dragon Ball, while not central, contribute to the narrative. They might be part of different sagas, have familial relationships, be Earth-raised, or possess powers from artifacts...
The project's goal was to create body armor that would grant the wearer superpowers. The staff of the project included Dr. Marla Jameson (Jonah's wife), biophysicist Dr. Sonja Jade and Robert Douglas, grandson of the late Joseph "Robbie" Robertson. It was then that JJ first met Buzz ...
List of Cyber-elves from the first three games of the Mega Man Zero series that Zero can find and use. There is a total of 78 Cyber-elves in Mega Man Zero, 81 in Mega Man Zero 2, 74 in Mega Man Zero 3 and one in Mega Man Zero 4. In the first and second g
Revenge of the Fallen Autobots Decepticons War for Cybertron DS version Cybertron Adventures Dark of the Moon Universe Fall of Cybertron Prime – The Game Novels Ghosts of Yesterday The Veiled Threat Exodus Dark of the Moon: The Junior Novel ...
A founding member and leader of the Legion of Super-Heroes. He is seen striking down Burt Steele when he and Satin Astro break into the Legion's headquarters to use their aeonosphere. Cowboy Gorilla Bizarre Heroes #2, Fiasco Comics, Don Simpson V4I6 Present at the wedding of Captain U...
Sorcerer: Admiral Motti once referred to Darth Vader using this term in reference to his Force abilities, telling him not to try to frighten him and the others on the Death Star with his "sorcerer's ways."[31] It was also used to refer to Jedi by the Mandalorian known as the Armorer...
Hi there, this a system/list that is here to show the threat level of what your character, item, verse, and so on may be in the Undertale AU Multiverse. It is a list divided up into nine tiers that each go up in power. You may add an individual, group, A