Cep.la Brazil RESTful API to find information about streets, zip codes, neighborhoods, cities and states No No Unknown CitySDK Open APIs for select European cities No Yes Unknown Country Get your visitor's country from their IP No Yes Yes CountryStateCity World countries, states, regions, prov...
Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death is a fast-paced, fully cooperative, dungeon-crawl board game set in the Old West, with a heavy dose of unspeakable horror! Players create characters, taking on the role of a classic Western Hero Archetype, such as the Law Man, Gunslinger, or Saloon ...
Every place needs a ZIP code, but they are especially important in Florida. The codes can be used to identify many places, including cities, addresses, streets, and more. They are also used for mail delivery. Below are all of the Florida ZIP codes and their corresponding city names, counti...
It might seem a bit sad to think about, but we all dream of things we want to do before our time is up. It isn't always about "before we die," but it creates a sense of urgency. Creating and updating a bucket list of ideas for what you hope to see or do keeps us in touch ...
Only roads between settlements are included, not residential streets, and the dataset is accurate to approximately 50m. This dataset is in beta-testing at the moment and will be fully available shortly JRC Travel Time to Major Cities: Travel time to the nearest major city (> 50,000 people) ...
Is it safe for an unaccompanied woman to walk downtown streets in Atlanta, USA at day on a weekend? Participle phrases as object complement Wien bridge oscillator using UA741 on LTSpice Under what circumstances can a school confiscate my hoodie? Omit subsection numbering...
“The Butcher Bandit,” the U.S. government brings in the best man it can find: a tall, lean, no-nonsense detective named Isaac Bell, who has caught thieves and killers from coast to coast.But Bell has never had a challenge like this one. From Arizona to Colorado to the streets of ...
The streets of the medinas are very uneven. Fez, in particular, can be quite challenging with bags, often with stairs and narrow uphill streets. Some accommodation will send someone with a cart to meet you, but this is not always the case. The roads are also filthy, often with donkey ...
For travellers planning to explore rural areas or move frequently between destinations, a backpack may be more practical because of narrow, cobbled streets in small towns. Look for a backpack with a sturdy frame, comfortable straps, and ample compartments to keep your belongings organised. Bear in...
Click on a Contractor Name for more Detail Government Contractor Name & Address Number of Defense Contracts Awarded Dollar Amount of Defense Contracts Awarded SEGAWAKISEN CO.,LTD. 4107-7, YOKOSEGO, SAIKAICHOSAIKAI, JPN 851-3509 10 $1,427,907 SEGEN COMPANY,LTD. 2-15-1, MINATOGAWA MINATOGAWA...