Our list of colleges and universities is meant to help you find the right one for you. We have listed them by state for your convenience. To see a list of universities and colleges from each state, select from the following: Alabama Colleges and Universities Alaska Colleges and Universities A...
many schools still offer early decision, as you'll see below, perhaps to remain competitive and gain a more accurate sense of enrollment numbers. Rather than offering spots to students who might or might not attend, colleges can
See a comprehensive list of Colleges and Universities in the United States. Find the best schools by size, tuition cost, demographics, and more.
Slacker Uprising is a movie of Michael Moore's tour of colleges in swing states during the 2004 election, with a goal to encourage 18–29 year olds to vote, and the response it received. The film is a re-edited version of Captain Mike Across America, which played at ...
While the increased prevalence of test-optional policies started with the pandemic, many institutions, including some of the most selective colleges, have extended or even made these policies permanent. However, a range of prominent public universities and tech schools, particularly in the South, ...
Information about graduate schools, departments, leading universities, colleges, schools, undergraduate schools, technical universities, Ph.D centers, MS, MBA in the US listed by states - California, Chicago, Newyork, Washington, Massachussets, Texas, Vi
The Great Colleges to Work For®program was designed to recognize colleges that have been successful in creating great workplaces and to further research and understand the factors, dynamics and influences that have the most impact on organizational culture in higher education. ...
Henderson State University - HSU High Point University - HPU Hillsdale College - HC Hobart and William Smith Colleges - HWSC Hofstra University - HU Hope College - HC Houston Baptist University - HBU Howard University - HU Humboldt State University - HSU ...
Eight of the 17 highest-ranking colleges with testing requirements are public, two of which are service academies. Tied at No. 30 in the overall rankings, theUniversity of Floridais the highest-ranked public National University on the list, while theUnited States Air Force Ac...
While the increased prevalence of test-optional policies started with the pandemic, many institutions, including some of the most selective colleges, have extended or even made these policies permanent. However, a range of prominent public universities and tech schools, particularly in the South, ...