adhocteam/pushup - Pushup is for making modern, page-oriented web apps in Go [MIT License] (⭐️852) adrg/xdg - Go implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification and XDG user directories [MIT License] (⭐️777) air-verse/air - ☁️ Live reload for Go apps [GNU GP...
Disable specified apps from slot 2 on a C+G dual SIM phone. Values To disable a list of specified apps from Slot 2, set Slot2DisableAppsList to a comma-separated list of values representing the apps. For example, 4,6. Applies to 展開表格 Editionx86-based devicesx64-based devi...
擷取具有多重選取範圍清單框中焦點矩形的清單框專案索引。 專案可能或可能未選取。 您可以使用此巨集或明確傳送LB_GETCARETINDEX訊息。 語法 C++ intListBox_GetCaretIndex( HWND hwndCtl ); 參數 hwndCtl 類型:HWND 控件的句柄。 傳回值 類型:int 以零起始的焦點專案索引,如果沒有專案具有焦點,則為 0。
指向包含要设置的 PSD IE 数据列表的WLAN_RAW_DATA_LIST结构的指针。 pReserved 保留供将来使用。 必须设置为NULL。 返回值 如果函数成功,则返回值为 ERROR_SUCCESS。 如果函数失败,则返回值可能是以下返回代码之一。 返回代码说明 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ...
Gets or sets a value that indicates how far up or down the Key Tip is placed in relation to the UI element. (Inherited from UIElement) Language Gets or sets localization/globalization language information that applies to a FrameworkElement, and also to all child elements of the current Fra...
TaskDialogStartupLocation TaskDialogVerificationCheckBox TextBox TextBoxBase TextBoxRenderer TextDataFormat TextFormatFlags TextImageRelation TextRenderer ThreadExceptionDialog TickStyle Timer ToolStrip ToolStrip.ToolStripAccessibleObject ToolStripArrowRenderEventArgs ToolStripArrowRenderEventHandler ToolStripButton Tool...
🌎 Humaaans Cool illustrations of people with the ability to mix and match 🌎 Paaatterns Free collection of beautiful patterns for all vector formats 🌎 404 illustration Free illustrations for 404 pages 🌎 Illustrations for designers and startups 🌎 Free surrealist ...
GPO Computer startup script fails to run. (EventID 1130 Error code 267) GPo corruption GPO creator GPO error while doing GPUPDATE-Windows server 2012 GPO for disabling client administrator accounts on my Domain. GPO for mapping a Printer GPO for removing domain user for Local Admin GPO for ...
Investing in Minerium, a major crypto mining startup and Krytos-X, a virtual currency exchange in Singapore.Fineqia International Inc. (CSE:FNQ) provides a U.K. regulated platform and associated services to support and administer debt and equity security issuances such as corporate mini-bonds. ...
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