This surreal, psychedelic animated film directed by René Laloux is set in a distant world where humans exist as pets for a species of giant blue-skinned aliens. As the story unfolds, the enslaved humans begin to fight for their freedom against the oppressive regime of their alien captors. ...
Also ranks #8 on The Best Directors of the '90s 5 James Cameron Age: 70 254 votes Introducing groundbreaking visual effects and epic storytelling, James Cameron found great success in the 1980s. His films The Terminator and Aliens became instant classics, showcasing Cameron's unique ability...
The following is a list of episodes of Star Wars Resistance, listed in the order they originally aired. The series premiered on October 7, 2018 with a one-hour pilot, "The Recruit". It was announced on August 14, 2019 that the Disney Channel ha
Aliens in the Attic All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2 All Star Cheer Squad Allied Ace Pilots Alpha and Omega AlphaBounce Alt-Play: Jason Rohrer Anthology Alvin and the Chipmunks Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel The...
Agents of Mayhem Alan Wake Remastered Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX Alternate Jake Hunter: Daedalus The Awakening of Golden Jazz Aliens: Fireteam Elite ALIENATION AO Tennis 2 Aragami Ash of Gods: Redemption Ashen Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag ...
Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold 1986 No Retreat, No Surrender 1986 The Golden Child 1986 Iron Eagle 1986 A Better Tomorrow 1986 Bleu Comme L’Enfer 1986 Raw Deal 1986 The Delta Force 1986 Aliens 1986 F/X 1986 Clash of the Ninjas 1986 Firewalker 1986 Maximum Overdrive 1986 Le ...
10–Masterpiece:The best of the best. You may say that there is no perfect film, but if that is true, then these films are the closest to perfect I’ve ever seen. My highest recommendation. “Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)” Directed by Irvin Kershner –10/...
Angus Hates Aliens Team Stendec June 1, 2016 Animal couple Sly SlyGames July 10, 2018 Animal Crush cada August 7, 2017 Anime Dress Up gfdsahdgsye7 July 30, 2018 Anime Fight in the Arena of Death Zazulin Alexander ILLUMICORP July 8, 2018 Anime Girls Mini Jigsaw Puzzles Puzzlemaniac ...
DreamWorks Monsters vs. AliensPAL-M-USA DreamWorks Open Season (Colegas en el bosque)PAL-M-USA DreamWorks Shark TalePAL-M-PAL-E-USA DreamWorks Shrek 2PAL-S-PAL-ESHREK2.ELF DreamWorks Shrek the ThirdPAL-M DrivenPAL-M Driven to DestructionPAL-MNeed: fix resolution in ntsc mode ...
Also, In the end credits, director Akiva Schaffer's name's S at the end is bolted into the Star Wars font. Chip picks up a jacket and hat from a Fan Con booth themed to Indiana Jones as the franchise's theme plays, which is of course his usual Rescue Rangers outfit that was based...