SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, and many more. The goal is to enable a se...
It takes a lot to keep this current & updated… if this list is of value to you, you can use it in your studies or in your business… but please provide credit and a link back, andpleaseconsider buying me a cup of tea! Cheers LIST OF TYPES OF MUSIC | MUSIC GENRES Alternative Art...
The Toyota Land Cruiser is also equipped with several safety features to give drivers and passengers alike the peace of mind that they deserve. The Star Safety System™ is an assurance that motorists have access to the vehicle’s safety features. The Blind Spot Monitor provides some much-neede...
EnigmaGroupSafe security resource, trains in exploits listed in the OWASP Top 10 Project and teach members the many other types of exploits that are found in today's applications. ENISA Training MaterialThe European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) Cyber Security Training. ...
Do you know the Amazon rain forest may be housing more types of plants than anywhere else in the world? Some plants growing in the forest carry great medicinal significance. North America – Third Largest Continent Representing 16% Landmass ...
Tired of using 'bootylicious?' Need a few good butt-related words? We have the list for you. Read on to learn 'callipygian' 'natiform,' and more.
Monitoring global biodiversity from space through remotely sensing geospatial patterns has high potential to add to our knowledge acquired by field observation. Although a framework of essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) is emerging for monitoring biodiversity, its poor alignment with remote sensing pro...
To help those of you who may share my passion of ships & sails but may not have done much sailing of your own, I have compiled the list below to help you to understand the differences between different types of sailing vessels. If you know of a type of sailing vessel I have missed,...
Big-name celebrities may seem out of reach for the vast majority of brands. However, there are certain types of partnerships that celebrities are more open to—if you have the tools to negotiate them. Our guest on this episode of Shopify Masters is Jersey Champ's Sean Kelly, an entrepreneur...
+ Create lists made up of virtually any number of columns + Column types include: text, number, currency, date, time, contact, image, rating, phone, email, website, and more + Create folders and lists within lists, as many levels deep as you want ...