1024 special specialisation, specialisations, specialise, specialised, specialises, specialising, specialism, specialisms, specialist, specialists, specialities, speciality, specialization, specializations, specialize, specialized, specializes, specializing, specially, specials, specialties, specialty Y N 1025 parent...
aThe frail and elderly quickly lose appetite, are so are particularly susceptible to malnutrition. Without adequate and specialised nutrition, they lose the strength and energy that allows them to enjoy life and remain independent. 虚弱和年长的人迅速丢失胃口,是,因此是特别易受营养不良。 不用充分和专...
for friends. by word-of-mouth, he says, people became aware of this farmer-chef who specialised in farm-to-table dishes. in 2002 he opened antonio’s, which he calls his big break. “the minute my doors opened, my dream turned into reality,” he says. he then opened a second ...
Holmes specialised in the 800 metres and 1500 metres events and won a gold medal for both distances at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. She set British records in numerous events and still holds the records over the 600, 800 and 1000 metre distances. Inspired by a number of successful ...
the use of conditional single cell Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (cscGANs) for the realistic generation of single cell RNA-seq data. cscGANs learn non-linear gene-gene dependencies from complex, multi cell type samples and use this information to generate realistic cells of defined types....
Next talk: January 20 – Short talks on specialised metabolites. PlantPostdocs Seminar Series Now accepting applications for Feb-April GARNet-Presents Plant Science Webinar Next talk: January 12, Sarah Blackford Flatworm Fridays – a trainee-centered virtual series focused on flatworms and related cr...
This command adds the specified amount of menace to your empire. Examples, Generator & More menace <Amount> Copy Command Copy Full add_subject_xp This command adds the specified amount of specialised subject experience towards the subject empire with the specified empire ID. Examples, Generator...
cscGANs learn non-linear gene-gene dependencies from complex, multi cell type samples and use this information to generate realistic cells of defined types."ProteinGAN: Expanding functional protein sequence space using generative adversarial networks [code][preprint]...
Specialised Apparel 8. Technical or functional textiles and textile products XI Manufacture of clay-based, sand-based and other non-metallic mineral products 1. High alumina or basic refractories 2. Laboratory, chemical or industrial wares 3. Synthetic diamonds 4. Crystallised or moulded glass such ...
Biology respiratory question: Explain how the lungs are specialised to allow effective gaseous exchange to take place Discuss the process of gases exchanging between the lungs, blood and tissues. Include the factors that influence this process. De...