List of sources of incomes from change of fair value - Source item产生公允价值变动收益的来源的明细-来源项目List of special accounts payable - Carryover amount专项应付款明细-结转额List of stocks and securities issued by other listed companies and held by the Company公司持有其他上市公司发行的股票和...
Planning for retirement includes considering sources of income such as pensions. 退休规划包括考虑养老金等收入来源。 perseverance n.毅力 例Success often comes to thosewhodemonstrateperseveranceandresilienceinthefaceof challenges. 成功往往属于那些在面对挑战时表现出毅力和坚韧不拔的人。 courage n.勇气;勇敢 H...
Redash - Connect and query your data sources, build dashboards to visualize data and share them with your company. (Source Code) BSD-2-Clause Docker RudderStack - Collect, unify, transform, and store your customer data, and route it to a wide range of common, popular marketing, sales, ...
particulars ofhissourcesofincome and afulllistofhis holdings of stocks or shares in all [...] (i) 部長必須私下 向總統全面披露其收入來源的詳情,並提供 一份清單 ,開列他持 有的所 有公司股 票或股 份,以及他在任何專 ...
aAmong many businessmen, however, the case for a VAT is often stated quite differently. They view such a tax as an aid to international competitiveness, since VATS are levied on imports but rebated on exports. The case is often stated as follows: an income tax is paid by producers of ex...
The meaning of DUEL is a combat between two persons; specifically : a formal combat with weapons fought between two persons in the presence of witnesses. How to use duel in a sentence.
2017. Vengurla is known for its beautiful beaches and seafood, but the climate crisis has made fishing for a living unsustainable, so people are trying to find other sources of income. They came up with the idea of running mangrove safaris (观光游) for tourists in Vengurla’s Mandavi River...
As prices increase with soaring inflation, jobs are harder to find, and growing older means that some jobs aren’t as easy, finding remote work may become necessary. Side hustles often offer the opportunity to become main sources of income, if you can put forth the time and effort to grow...
•Mywagesarethemainsourceofmyincome.•薪金是我收入的主要来源。•Theygatheredupfromvarioussourcesagreatamountoffirsthanddata.•他们从各种来源搜集了大量的第一手资料。2 •Click(on)theirnamestofindoutmoreaboutthem.•点击它们的名称以获取更多信息。•Iraqisabundantinoil.•Thereisabundantfirewoodin...
“There is huge economic pressure,” Fernandez said, explaining that for the past six years the country has had no sources of financing or development credit, and the U.S. has tried to deprive Cuba of fuel so it has to pay a 15-30% premium because of the risk that the fe...