Directed by Ridley Scott, the film immerses viewers into the chaos and confusion of urban battle, while humanizing the soldiers who fought to survive and protect one another. Its gritty realism and unrelenting tension have earned it a lasting reputation as a powerful depiction of modern warfare....
The War ListSoldiers in the Vietnam WarClick on the links immediately below to view a particular set of conflicts. Under each set of conflicts, ( for example, "Wars of the United States"), you will find more blue links leading to pages devoted to each individual conflict. War...
Known for building and running a criminal enterprise revolving around gambling dens, hotels, racketeering, extortion, loan sharking and restaurants that fronted for brothels, during his heyday, Năm Cam was considered as one of the most powerful mob bosses in Vietnam, and was said to have ...
Barnard Elliot Bee Jr. fought only until the First Bull Run and is known for giving the nickname “Stonewall” to Brigadier general Thomas J. Jackson. Read more aboutBarnard Bee Lewis Armistead Lewis Addison was a successful Confederate General who fought and died at the Battle of Gettysburg....
A snake hunter who collects venomous snakes on a tropical island to sell their venom keeps one as a pet in his jungle home and uses the venom to make a poison dart shooter.Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold (1986) A man is terrified of a python and a woman throws a basket ...
Ed Tracy interviews Leo K. Thorsness, a Vietnam War fighter pilot and Medal of Honor recipient. Rate S2.E17 ∙ Masters of the Air Sun, Apr 29, 2007 Historian Donald L. Miller discusses his new book, "Masters of the Air: America's Bomber Boys Who Fought the Air War Against Nazi Ger...
The New York Times and Washington Post are among the publications that issue corrections after falsely reporting that an anti-Trump activist had served in the Vietnam War. Additionally, multiple news employees, including a CNN employee, apologize for mischaracterizing, as the aggressors, Trump-suppo...
While in South east Asia of Vietnam, Flash Thompson was rescued by Sha Shan who later became his girlfriend.[issue # needed] After her partner Brother Power was killed in an explosion, Sha Shan gave up crime and became Flash Thompson's lover,[issue # needed] and the pair later married...
It was 1973 in the Middle East and war had broken out. It was thought to have been the last one that would ever rock the region but that would not come to pass. Just as soldiers were about to leave Israel on October 6th, 1973, the forces of the Arab states led by Egypt and Syria...
It is World War I and French soldiers are sent off to a dangerous war. Bakary Diallo is a father who is enlisting but less so because of serving his country and more to be with his 17-year-old son Thierno that was unwillingly recruited into the army. The two of them are sent off...