sensenet - API-first headless CMS providing enterprise-grade solutions for businesses of all sizes. The Developer plan provides three users, 500 content items, three built-in roles, 25+5 content types, fully accessible REST API, document preview generation, and Office Online editing. TinaCMS— Rep...
Glue - Robust Go and Javascript Socket Library (Alternative to go-eventbus - Simple Event Bus package for Go. Go-MediatR - A library for handling mediator patterns and simplified CQRS patterns within an event-driven architecture, inspired by csharp MediatR library. go-mq - Rabbit...
Unreachable - Unreachable code path optimization hint for Swift. SmallStrings - Reduce localized .strings file sizes by 80%.back to topOther Awesome ListsOther amazingly awesome lists can be found in theawesome-awesomeness list. Open Source apps list of open source iOS apps. awsome-ios-animation...
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The thread then waits until it can re-obtain ownership of the monitor and resumes execution.“ 官方介绍中的monitor其实可以理解为对象或类锁的概念。 sleep不出让系统资源,线程被调用时,占着CPU去睡觉,其他线程不能占用cpu,os认为该线程正在工作,不会让出系统资源 ;wait是进入线程等待池等待,出让系统资源...
282455FIX: SQL Server Fails to Start When Computer Binds 48 or More Socket Addresses Bug ID:351225 282243FIX: Incorrect Results with Join of Column Converted to Binary Bug ID:351229 295039FIX: Assertion Raised When DELETE Is Performed on a Table Joined with a View ...
classCControlSocket; classCDirectoryListingParser { public: CDirectoryListingParser(CControlSocket* pControlSocket,constCServer& server); ~CDirectoryListingParser(); CDirectoryListing Parse(constCServerPath &path); voidAddData(char*pData,intlen); ...
Instead, we endorse a third approach, based on a new Linux socket type called AF_XDP, which solves the maintainability problem in a compatible, performant way. The new code is already merged into the mainstream OVS repository. We include a thorough performance evaluation and a collection of ...
►Nanonymous_namespace{} ►Nanonymous_namespace{} ►Nanonymous_namespace{} ►Nanonymous_namespace{} ►Nanonymous_namespace{} ►Nanonymous_namespace{}
Mini-Change Connectors - Delivering optimum conductivity, Brad® Mini-Change® Connectors from Molex offer the broadest selection of miniature connectors in the industrial market. Features Patented, Quad Beam™ socket Poles: 2 – 19 NEMA Rating: IP67 Nano-Change (M8) Products - Nano-Change®...