INDONESIA: The Indonesian Financial Services Authority or Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) has issued the List of Shariah Securities Period II 2024.The list is an investment guide for users who prefer investing in Shariah compliant securities. The securities in the list include 671 shares of issuers ...
OMAN: Muscat Securities Market (MSM) has revealed the latest list of Shariah compliant companies screened based on their fourth quarter financial statements, read a statement. A total of 25 companies have been identified as being compliant with AAOIFI rules. Restricted access Login to continue ...
GLOBAL: Shariah compliant crypto Islamic Coin is listing on crypto exchange KuCoin on the 10th October 2023, a press release read. The listing will be Islamic Coin’s first, it said. Restricted access Login to continue reading (existing subscriber) Username or Email Address Password Remember...