Despite the recent removal of films and series, Max still has a growing list of original movies and TV shows that are exclusively found on the streaming service in the US. Many of the shows and movies come from other countries worldwide and are being released as Max Originals. From the Mo...
Snawoot/opera-proxy - Standalone client for proxies of Opera VPN gphper/grm - redis可视化工具(gin+element-plus)【部署简单便捷,SSH连接,用户校验,操作日志、命令行模式、LUA脚本执行、Redis监控等】 maxmunzel/kvass - a personal key-value store caarlos0/starcharts - Plot your repository stars over ...
Cloud 66 - Free for personal projects (includes one deployment server, one static site), Cloud 66 gives you everything you need to build, deploy, and grow your applications on any cloud without the headache of the “server stuff.”. Pulumi— Modern infrastructure as a code platform that all...
R/S/I/P Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the optics controller. baud-rate rate Sets baud-rate for this controller in GBd. bits-per-symbol value Sets bits-per-symbol for this controller. cd-max cd-max (Only for trunk optics controllers) Maximum chromatic disper...
public object MaxNumber { get; } Property Value Object Remarks This property is used only for lists that are linked to a SharePoint site. In Microsoft Excel, you cannot set any of the properties associated with the ListDataFormat object. You can set these properties, however, by modifying...
A bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) layer is an RNN layer that learns bidirectional long-term dependencies between time steps of time-series or sequence data. These dependencies can be useful when you want the RNN to learn from the complete time series at each time step. gruLayer A GRU layer is...
In Microsoft Excel, you cannot set any of the properties associated with the ListDataFormat object. You can set these properties, however, by modifying the list on the SharePoint site. Applies to 產品版本 Excel primary interop assembly Latest 意見...
List 控件具有下列默认特征: Thetag inherits all of the tag attributes of its superclass and adds the following tag attributes:
width channel-width Defines the width of the channel. Command Default None Command Modes Cisco IOS XR Configuration Command History ReleaseModification Release 7.7.1 This command was introduced. Usage Guidelines None ExampleTo create the OTS-OCH controller on the LINE s...
The scope of this particular list is limited to things that infrastructure developers (System Administrator, DevOps Practitioners, etc.) are likely to find useful. We love all the free services out there, but it would be good to keep it on topic. It's a bit of a grey line at times so...