The name of this search engine proves that there are not many good domain names left! Jokes aside, blekko, which is in beta presently, lets you perform the usual searches as well as those that you cannot do elsewhere! this is primarily accomplished by using “slash tags”, as blekko calls...
fantasyname - Fantasy names generator. g3n - Go 3D Game Engine. go-astar - Go implementation of the A* path finding algorithm. go-sdl2 - Go bindings for the Simple DirectMedia Layer. go3d - Performance oriented 2D/3D math package for Go. gonet - Game server skeleton implemented with ...
biter777/countries - Countries - ISO-639, ISO-3166 countries codes with subdivisions and names, ISO-4217 currency designators, ITU-T E.164 IDD phone codes, countries capitals, UN M.49 codes, IANA ccTLD countries domains, FIPS, IOC/NOC and FIFA codes, VERY VERY FAST, compatible with Databas...
games, with Osana's resembling Mario, Nakanaka's resembling Luigi, Tadano's resembling Yoshi, and Komi's resembling Zelda respectively. Even the names of the game's characters sound like their real life counterparts (with the exception of the Zelda-like character), being Najio, Chuny, and Ta...
This article lists words and symbols that you should not use in field, object, and variable names in Microsoft Access 2002 and later versions of Access because they are "reserved words." Reserved words have a specific meaning to Access or to the Microsoft Jet database engine. If you use a...
While they were snoozing instead of searching the Dragon Ball, Colonel Silver rudely awakens them with his gun. They talk about how pointless the search is when Goku comes and finds the Dragon Ball in less than a minute. They try to steal it, but Goku easily defeats them. Silver's ...
PredicateFlow - Write amazing, strong-typed and easy-to-read NSPredicate, allowing you to write flowable NSPredicate, without guessing attribution names, predicate operation or writing wrong arguments type. CloudCore - Robust CloudKit synchronization: offline editing, relationships, shared and public da...
dynamicPropertyNames() const : QList<QByteArray> errorOccurred(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Error &) event(QEvent *) : bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *) : bool findChild(const QString &, Qt::FindChildOptions) const : T findChildren(const QString &, Qt::FindChildOptions) const ...
In some cases, using web safe fonts may improve the loading times of your pages. Since they’re pre-installed on most popular operating systems, modern browsers don’t have to download them from your server while rendering your site. This canimprove both UX and search engine optimization (SEO...
blacklists that are simply appended with new names will eventually grow painfully large and ultimately decrease server performance. Then you’re left with a never-ending blacklist of retired user agents that fails to protect your site while slowing things down to a virtual crawl (no pun intended...