For scientific researchers 67, 275, 398, 467, 730, 734 For WordPress bloggers 277, 288, 603, 810 For IT bloggers 893 For HEXO bloggers 298 For Hugo bloggers 808 For Gatsby site administrator 964 For Telegram users 894 For 简悦(SimpleRead) users 1133 For CUBOX users 1135 📔 Books 《RSS...
citizen-science –Scientific tools to empower communities and/or practice various forms of non-institutional science classics –Classical studies (Latin and Ancient Greek) resources: software, code and raw data. classless-css –Classless CSS themes/frameworks. Clone-Wars –Open-source clones of popular...
ROOT - A modular scientific software framework. It provides all the functionalities needed to deal with big data processing, statistical analysis, visualization and storage. shark - A fast, modular, feature-rich open-source C++ machine learning library. Shogun - The Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox....
high-level data acquisition platform focused on providing all the necessary tools for quantum computing experiments. It is built on top of QCoDeS, is device-agnostic, and is the successor of the extensively tested Py
OmicTools: GitXiv:[0]=bioinformatics Bio.Tools: Biosharing: Fast BWT creation: ...
ScienceThrillers Media is a boutique hybrid publisher that specializes in stories with scientific or medical themes, and stories with protagonists Search and Intro Welcome to our Book Publishers database. We have been listing book publishers for 15 years. This is the largest searchable and free book...
Awesome Rust If you want to contribute, please readthis
LiPheStream - A 18-month high spatiotemporal resolution point cloud time series of Boreal trees from Finland Samantha Wittke Mariana Campos Eetu Puttonen Scientific Data(2024) Integrating field- and remote sensing data to perceive species heterogeneity across a climate gradient ...
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology has been mandated by the Senate of Berlin to organise the joint presentation of the Capital Region - financed by EFRE and the state of Berlin - and is organising this in cooperation with the IHK of Berlin. Companies, scientific institutions and network...
Bias correction for transcript abundance estimation: Replacement for htseq-counts/featureCounts that handles multi-mapping reads: Junction compatibility score...