Learn the definition of ordinal numbers. Discover what ordinal numbers are used for, learn how to count with ordinal numbers, and discover ordinal...
In addition, the /etc/magic file is built from a subdirectory for easier(?) maintenance. I will act as a clearinghouse for magic numbers assigned to all sorts of data files that are in reasonable circulation. Send your magic numbers, in magic(5) format please, to the maintainer, Christos...
Search engine for indexing and intersecting with large numbers of annotation BED/VCF files: https://github.com/ryanlayer/giggle/ Clinical annotation: https://github.com/ding-lab/CharGer Gene panel/disease-specific annotation and filtering: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gene2phenotype/g2p_vep_plugin Cr...
Arrays.asList()got overloaded with a vararg version too. SoArrays.asList(numbers)is understood by the Java 5 compiler as a vararg parameter of int arrays. This problem is explained in more details in Effective Java 2nd Ed., Chapter 7, Item 42. List. However, if you try to add a new...
She made elegant use of the ascending chain condition, and objects satisfying it are named Noetherian in her honor. In the third epoch (1927–1935), she published works on noncommutative algebras and hypercomplex numbers and united the representation theory of groups with the theory of modules ...
At the moment there is a lot of track work, because in 2015 the passenger trains shall run the complete route again. At Deutsche Bahn homepage, this line can be found with numbers 434 Hagen-Brügge and 459 Meinerzhagen-Dieringhausen. Compare the 2014 layout with the real layout of the ...
Adding/Subtracting/Multiplying positive and negative numbers AdditionalFiles on Csproj files Address of a string variable(object) in C#? AdomdConnectionException This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative...
TvOSScribble - Handwriting numbers recognizer for Siri Remote. TvOSSlider - TvOSSlider is an implementation of UISlider for tvOS. TvOSTextViewer - Light and scrollable view controller for tvOS to present blocks of text XCDYouTubeKit - YouTube video player for iOS, tvOS and macOS.Architecture...
113 NSC NSC is a little Alfred extension to convert numbers into other number systems. obstschale 101 114 alfred-convert Convert between different units in Alfred deanishe 725 115 bass Make Bash utilities usable in Fish shell edc 2274 116 AIDungeon Infinite adventures await! latitudegames 3202 ...
sundowndev/PhoneInfoga Advanced information gathering & OSINT framework for phone numbersAdvanced information gathering & OSINT framework for phone numbers superhedgy/AttackSurfaceMapper AttackSurfaceMapper is a tool that aims to automate the reconnaissance process. thewhiteh4t/nexfil OSINT tool for finding...