A pronoun is a word that takes the place of one or more nouns. If you want more information on these guys, check out thepronouns page. The tables below show a list of pronounsfor the following types of pronouns: personal, relative, demonstrative, indefinite, reflexive, ...
One occasion where you might omit the pronoun even in a formal context is when retaining it would lead you to repeat the same word twice in a row: Note If you omit the relative pronoun when it’s the object of apreposition, you move the preposition to the end. For example, “the obj...
THE PRONOUN(1. Personal Pronoun, 2. Reflexive Pronoun, 3. Emphatic Pronoun, 4. Demonstrative Pronoun, 5. Relative Pronoun, 6. Interrogative Pronoun, 7. Indefinite Pronoun, 8. Distributive Pronoun)Definition :A pronoun is a word used instead of a common noun or a proper noun. The word ...
Adverbs List: This article comprises a list of more than 200 adverbs that you can make use of in everyday communication. Go through them, learn how they are used and put them to good use.
Take a quiz on Pronoun or Adjective to understand how Demonstrative, Interrogative, and Indefinite pronouns can act as adjectives. The Types of Pronouns Identify the type of a pronoun in each sentence. Personal, Demonstrative, Relative, Reflexive, Indefinite, etc. Pronouns Practice Identify each ...
A chair is a piece of furniture which we use for sitting. I found the ring that I thought I had lost. Jack is the boy whose sister is a famous tennis player. This is the boy who scored the highest marks. In relative pronouns we use the following pronoun words: ...
Relative pronoun examples The carthathas a flat tire needs to be towed. The visitorwhocame yesterday left his phone number. Dowhateveryou like. 10. Archaic Pronouns There are several pronouns that have fallen out of common usage but appear frequently in older texts, so there is still a good...
Acronyms are short words that are formed by combining the first letters of words representing the name of something. Go through the article to learn more about acronyms, and check out the list of commonly used acronyms.
An interrogative pronoun normally appears at the start of a question, but it may instead appear in the middle or at the end, depending on the phrasing. A question can also include more than one interrogative pronoun. Like other pronouns, interrogative pronouns are said to have anantecedent. Th...
Limiting adjectivesare adjectives that restrict a noun or pronoun rather than describe any of its characteristics or qualities. For example: The building hadtwelvefloors,hundredsof windows, andseveralunique features. Examples of limiting adjectives: ...