If you want to learn the Korean language while immersed in the realities of life, Drinking Solo is a must-watch for you. You may be able to acquire a substantial breadth ofKorean words,phrases, and expressions in this series. You’d also learn therecent popular expressions used by young p...
Stay up-to-date with the latest K-Dramas news, exclusives, and gossips. Explore our comprehensive database of Korean dramas, movies, TV shows, and variety shows. Discover, organize, and review the best Asian dramas and movies for your entertainment.
John Malkovich's films and shows span genres and styles, from biting satire to heartwarming family dramas. But no matter what kind of film or show it is, there's always something special about watching him on screen - whether it's his oddball charisma or commanding presence that draws us ...
Full List of Drama on Asian Drama Fever (Alphabetical by Most Commonly Known Title) A Love To Kill [ 이죽일놈의사랑 ]Korea, 2005 Beethoven Virus(B-) [ 베토벤 바이러스 ] Korea, 2008 Black & White(A+) [ 痞子英雄 ]Taiwan, 2009 Boys Before Flowers(A) [ 꽃...
Redmayne is widely recognize d as one of t he best historical T V dramas of recent year8.Mahabharata T his Indian Hindi-language series is like d by many people for being regarde d as the simples t an d the most fun way to learn about the ag e-ol d wisdom of the Indian people...
“Lovely Runner,” written by Lee Si-eun and directed by Yoon Jong-ho and Kim Tae-yeop, has become the most talked-about drama of 2024. Produced by CJ ENM Studios and Bon Factory, the series was honored with the top spot on TIME magazine’s “The 10 Best K-Dramas of 2024.” “It...
由第一部剧中的“ it has already acquired a vast army of fans worldwide”,第二部中的“is widely recognized as one of the best historical TV dramas of recent years”,第三部中的“ is liked by many people for being regarded as the simplest and the most fun way”,和第四部中的“ this ...
A prolific leading man in action films, romance, dramas, comedies and musicals at the height of his career in the 1960s and 1970s, he continues to act in Thai films and in television series, making frequent appearances on talk shows and in TV commercials. Among his recent films are Tears...
Best BL dramas to watch BL dramas are interested in telling goodgay & LGBTQ+ stories from a unique perspective. Due to the recent popularity of BL dramas, there's an influx of new & exciting series in this genre. From school romances to workplace comedies, BL brings these fictional romance...
Based on thebest-selling novel written by Ken Follett, this TV show starring the brilliantEddie Redmayne is widely recognized as one of the best historical TV dramas ofrecent years.Mahabharata This Indian Hindi-language series is liked by many people for beingregarded as the simplest and the ...