Based on the real-life death of Oscar Grant, this award-winning film proves that racism still exists in modern times – and it can be deadly. The Color Purple is another great film that examines the ugly truths about racism in the United States. While most movies about racism are dramas,...
When it comes to superheroes, the ability to (literally) move mountains is known asgeomancy,or earth bending. In real life,geomancyrefers to the practice of divination or fortune telling by interpreting patterns formed by rocks or soil. Characters with the power of geomancy: Toph fromAvatar The...
The LAPD has performed a bltizkreig assault on the real Superheroes of Hollywood Blvd ( ). Just in front of the world famous Grauman's ...
In The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 episode "Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas", the Royal Parrot refuses to fly off with Mario, claiming his whole life is in the cage, including a poster of Big Bird. In the Latin American Spanish dub and Castilian Spanish re-dub, the Big...
From people with X-ray vision to Super healing, these are 25 Incredible People With Real Superpowers
95 emoji-to-scale Your favorite emojis to real-life scale, more or less. javierbyte 370 96 floating-ui JavaScript positioning library for tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, and more atomiks 1537 97 multi-account-containers Firefox Multi-Account Containers lets you keep parts of your online life sep...
Most of these early superheroes had secret identities: they generally obtained their superpowers through accidental, often scientifically based occurrences, or by power-inducing devices; they hid their actual identities behind amask, a costume, and often a cape; they adopted aflamboyantappellation; th...
Gather - Gather is a video-calling space that lets multiple people hold separate conversations in parallel, walking in and out of those conversations just as easily as they would in real life. IRCCloud –Browser-based IRC client with permanent storage. Jitsi - Multi-platform open-source video ...
It must surely take great bravery and courage to fight, usually with bare hands, all of the various and sundry enemies, monsters, creatures and fiends that Mario has encountered over the course of his life. A stout-hearted fellow, to say the least. Mario is Curious He has always managed ...
(ThomasTheCoolKid); Put into this tier solely due to their variable power level. With this ability, their power constantly andfluctuates to make them always stronger than "Sans", which has been clarified to mean any version of Sans they may face. Thus, their power isabove that of the str...