Restriction: Chemicals may be completely banned or some uses of the chemicals can be restricted. The following is the 2025 updated list of REACH restricted compounds and substances, not to be confused with the largerSVHC listof 200+ substances that are not yet restricted. RoHs restricted substance...
南京瑞旭 — 值得您信赖的环境法规咨询及合规专家 REACH ANNEX XIV - LIST OF SUBSTANCES SUBJECT TO AUTHORISATION REACH 法规附件 XIV 授权物质清单 (As of April, 2022, a total of 59 items in 7 batches) Entry Nr 编号 Substance 物质 5-tert-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m- xylene(Musk ...
REACH(SVHC)List REACH高度关注物质清单 TheSubstancesofVeryHighConcern(SVHC)includedinCandidateList (Lastupdate16/07/2019)高度关注物质清单(16/07/2019最后更新) 1 Anthracene蒽CAS#120-12-7EC#204-371-1 2 4,4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane4,4’-二氨基二苯基甲烷CAS#101-77-9EC#202-974-4 ...
REACH(SVHC)List REACH高度关注物质清单 The Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) includedin Candidate List (Last update16/07/2019) 高度关注物质清单(16/07/2019最后更新) 1 Anthracene 蒽 CAS#120-12-7 EC#204-371-1 2 4,4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane 4,4’-二氨基二苯基甲烷 CAS#101-77-9 E...
Registry of SVHC intentions until outcome 1. Member states or ECHA (following the European Commission’s request) create a dossier to propose substances to be identified as SVHCs. 2. The proposal is prepared according to the requirements of Annex XV to REACH, which include two main parts: ...
MATERIAL COMPLIANCE GROUP 01/21/2025 REACH SVHC LIST - 247 Substances This list is the European Union's Directive 1907/2006 (REACH) of SVHC's (Substances of Very High Concern). There are 247 substances total, organized in sections of the month and year that they were official placed on ...
The European Union of trade unions (ETUC) recently released an updated high priority list of substances. ETUC To maximize the authorized substances under the REACH regulations, the goal is to gradually eliminate the chemicals that are toxic to human health and environment in the EU market. ...
16、ymersandhomologues-4-Nonylphenol,branchedandlinearsubstanceswithalinearand/orbranchedalkylchainwithacarbonnumberof9covalentlyboundinposition4tophenol,coveringalsoUVCB-andwell-definedsubstanceswhichincludeanyoftheindividualisomersoracombinationthereof-Diazene-1,2-dicarboxamide(C,C'-azodi(formamid 17、e)123-77...
a*The list of the 73 substances of concern, candidates for authorisation under the REACH regulation, is given in annex. (Include the substances on the textile and leather field) 关心73种物质,候选人*The名单为授权根据伸手可及的距离章程,在附录被给。 (包括物质在纺织品和皮革领域)[translate]...
Section 8 of REACH regulation details the restriction on certain dangerous substances, and preparations or articles which are manufactured, used and placed on the EU market. Any substance which is used as a substance or in preparations shall be restricted in EU, as long as the use of the ...