A young girl who discovered the subterranean world of Wonderland, via a rabbit-hole and a magical mirror. She is believed to have starved to death due to the changing of her body chemistry during her passing through Wonderland via the Looking-Glass. In 1969 she is seen in Mina's dru...
This page describes the Chemistry Academic Word List (CAWL), giving information on what the CAWL is, details about how it was developed, information on text coverage of the CAWL, mentions some problems with the published list, as well as giving a complete list of words in the CAWL. To exp...
At the top of the list below you will see all the usual administration pages and beneath that the quiz categories, sub-categories and individual quizzes. Try it for yourself - click any of the links in the list. Us non-techies at Education Quizzes think that it is some kind of Harry...
It is the basis for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry he was awarded in 1908 "for his investigations into the disintegration of the elements, and the chemistry of radioactive substances", for which he was the first Canadian and Oceanian Nobel laureate. Rutherford moved in 1907 to the Victoria ...
of triplicate measurements. ns: non-significance. Different letters represent significant difference (P < 0.05) Full size image Antioxidant activity To determine the antioxidant effect of rLactolisterin BU, the scavenging rates of hydroxyl, superoxide anion, DPPH, and ABTS+ free radicals were ...
Unlike other musical radicals such as Richard Wagner and Hugo Wolf, Bruckner showed extreme humility before other musicians, Wagner in particular. This apparent dichotomy between Bruckner the person and Bruckner the composer hampers efforts to describe his life in a way that gives a straightforward ...
Atmospheric formaldehyde is readily decomposed through photolysis and oxidation by OH radicals and thus has a short lifetime, on the order of hours [12,14]. Therefore, atmospheric formaldehyde has been used as a proxy for emissions of non-methane VOCs [12,14] and for tropospheric OH [15]. ...
The semiconductor nanocrystal probe of the invention is stable with respect to repeated excitation by light, or exposure to elevated temperatures, or exposure to oxygen or other radicals. The invention further comprises a process for treating a material, such as a biological material, to determine ...
JTHERGAS (a JAVA implementation of THERGAS) estimates thermodynamic information from two dimensional graphical representations of molecules and radicals based on the Benson additivity method. The main use of this method is within automatic combustion mechanism generation systems where fast estimation of a...
Environmental Chemistry Introduction and demand Across Europe, most people do not know where their drinking water comes from, and they are not aware of how big the efforts are to allow the performance of the most normal daily action, namely to open the tap and to consume clean, clear, and ...