The present study investigated the efficacy of four EMDR sessions in comparison to a six-week wait-list control condition in the treatment of 27 children (aged 6 to 12 years) suffering from persistent PTSD symptoms after a motor vehicle accident. An effect for EMDR was identified on primary ou...
"Neurofeedback: An Examination of Attentional Processes in Adults with Self-Reported PTSD Symptoms"- Full PaperVillalpando, L.S., McReynolds, C.J., Lee, G., Montgomery, S., Vermeersch, D.NeuroRegulation2020 "Effect of combined neurofeedback and game-based cognitive training on the treatment ...
Discussion article and case study showing how to apply ACT to the treatment of PTSD. Wicksell, R. K., Dahl, J., Magnusson, B. & Olsson, G. L. (in press). Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the rehabilitation of an adolescent female with chronic pain: A case example. Cognitive...
FACT: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been identified in 12% to 20% of noninjured veterans and in 32% of combat casualties. Eight percent of the US general population experience PTSD symptoms … commit suicide at higher rates – FALSE ...